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FTL Free Member Content > Interval Workouts

Fast Talk podcast Best of 2020

The Best of 2020

We bring you our favorite conversations with exceptional guests from the worlds of physiology, medicine, nutrition, sports psychology, and, of course, cycling.

cycling hill climb repeats Kristen Legan

Dr. Seiler: Short Interval Stacks, Part 3

In this final video of his “short stack”, three-part series, Dr. Stephen Seiler discusses some research studies that compare short interval and long interval training and how they impact endurance capacity in already well-trained athletes.

Chris Case Flagstaff Road Fast Talk Podcast

Dr. Seiler: Short Interval Stacks, Part 2

Dr. Stephen Seiler walks through some real-life short interval workout data to reveal some rules of thumb for how you can integrate these into your own training.

runner staircase high intensity intervals

Dr. Seiler: Short Interval Stacks, Part 1

Interval training sessions with repeats of 30:30s, 40:20s, and 30:15s have become very popular. How does the (endurance-trained) body respond to this type of high-intensity interval prescription?