Knowledge Base


It’s often overlooked, and sometimes altogether forgotten. But it never should be. Recovery is just as important to strong performances as your daily workouts and weekly riding volume. That’s because recovery is when adaptation happens. Learn how to master this critical and often overlooked side of the training balance equation.

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An ultra-runner summits a mountain peak with the sun low in the sky behind him

An Ultra-Athlete’s Guide to RPE

An athlete’s rate of perceived exertion, or RPE, is one of the most underappreciated metrics. For ultra-athletes who are closely in touch with their bodies and minds, working with RPE is an essential component to training and racing.

Close up of a man getting deep tissue massage, a type of manual therapy

Understanding Different Types of Manual Therapy

There’s more to recovery and injury prevention than just getting a massage. We’ve got the lowdown on several types of manual therapy so you can better understand the pros and cons of each.

Key Areas of Mobility Thumbnail

Key Areas of Mobility For Endurance Athletes

Moving well is the key to consistent training, but what are the key areas of mobility for endurance athletes? We find out in this video interview with strength coach Erin Carson.

Compression Boots Pros Cons

Do Compression Boots Really Work?

Everyone seems to have a pair—or want a pair, but are they worth it? Two triathlon coaches debate the pros and cons of compression boots.

Melanie McQuaid wins the 2014 Boise IronMan 70.3.

How Much Recovery Is Enough?

World champion athlete and coach Melanie McQuaid details the numerous factors that impact how much recovery an athlete needs after long endurance events.

tired runner

Don’t Kill What You Love

Hard to define and often difficult to recognize, burnout is not only a mental struggle, it can also have physical symptoms. We explore the causes and consequences of burnout, and ways to keep the flame alive.