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It’s often overlooked, and sometimes altogether forgotten. But it never should be. Recovery is just as important to strong performances as your daily workouts and weekly riding volume. That’s because recovery is when adaptation happens. Learn how to master this critical and often overlooked side of the training balance equation.

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Recovery > Bike Fit

Male Saddle Diseases Andy Pruitt

Saddle Sores and Other Male “Saddle Diseases”

Saddle sores, numbness, and erectile dysfunction are just a few of the issues that can hamper male cyclists. Dr. Andy Pruitt details how to avoid these and other cycling saddle problems.

the knee is the victim with Dr. Andy Pruitt

The Knee Is the Victim

Because the knee is caught between the hip and the foot, it often bears the brunt of biomechanical pedaling forces, which leads to injuries. Dr. Andy Pruitt explains why.

Saddle Sores and Chamois Construction

Battling Saddle Sores with Don Powell

When you sit on a bike saddle, that’s a lot of weight on a very small surface area, the weight of the torso, the way the helmet, the weight of the upper body, the arms, it’s all focused into this relatively small point, and then we’re going to add friction, and that’s generated by the movement of the legs, where the motion of pedaling becomes focused into a very small area.