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Fast Talk Episode 210 Nerd Lab

Nerd Lab: Eccentric Damage and a Heated Polarized Debate

NERD LAB! Our resident physiologists Rob Pickels and Trevor Connor nerd out and dive deep into new scientific research and debates. In this episode: Is cycling explosive and eccentric? Academics take on Dr. Seiler.

Dr. Stephen Seiler

Applying the Polarized Training Model, with Dr. Stephen Seiler

Dr. Stephen Seiler breaks down the application of the polarized training model, addressing what is meant by the two thresholds—LT1 and LT2—and how to determine yours. We also discuss why it’s important not to over-estimate LT1 or LT2, and how to use them to determine your zones in a three-zone model.

Joe Friel Fast Talk Podcast Cyclists Training Bible

Unpacking the Gospel of Joe Friel’s New “Training Bible”

We talk with Joe Friel about the newest edition of his bestselling cycling training book The Cyclist’s Training Bible. We touched on everything from periodization to energy systems, to Joe’s method of research…which believe it or not, has a lot to do with hundreds of 3”x5” note cards.

Which Is Better: Polarization or Sweet Spot?

Which is better, sweet spot training or polarized training? To find out, we invited in proponents of each type of training — FasCat’s Frank Overton on the sweet spot side, and Boulder Center for Sports Medicine’s Ryan Kohler to advocate for a polarized model — and let them have at it.