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Coaching endurance athletes is an art, a science, and a craft.

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Coaching > Female Athletes

A group of women triathletes runs into the water at the beginning of the swim leg of a triathlon.

12 // Coaching Female Athletes

Learn how to help female athletes reach their potential with the latest knowledge from a stellar cast of experts and coaches.

Lauren Vallee smiling while crossing a finish line

With Is Greater Than Against

When female athletes are encouraged to work with their competitors—not against them—it raises everyone’s game, as Coach Lauren Vallee knows only too well.

Lauren Vallee sitting in a chair

What Gets in the Way for Women

Body image, underfueling, negative self-talk, comparison—these are just some of the things that commonly prevent female athletes achieving their best, yet they don’t have to. One coach shares her way of turning this around.

Lauren Vallee sitting in a chair

Coaching Resilience, Every Cycle

Lauren Vallee brings a unique perspective to an athlete’s menstrual cycle, viewing it as an opportunity for coach and athlete to build resilience every single month.

Black-and-white image of a woman running past a vineyard

Changing the Conversation from Weight Loss to Performance

The misconception that “lighter is better” has undermined endurance athletes of all genders, but a shocking number of female athletes have been emotionally and physiologically destroyed by weigh-ins and negative body talk. Coaches can learn how to best navigate conversations on this topic with these simple guidelines.