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Coaching endurance athletes is an art, a science, and a craft.

We offer this selection of coaching-related articles, videos, workshops, and guides to help coaches begin to explore the support available for coaches through Fast Talk Labs.

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Coaching > Recovery

Fast Talk Labs Head Coach Ryan Kohler coaches a female cyclist while on a bike ride near Boulder, Colorado.

6 // Managing Athlete Performance

As a coach, helping your athletes achieve their performance potential is an important task, but it’s rarely an easy one. In Module 6 of The Craft of Coaching, Joe Friel, together with several top coaches, share their experience on every aspect of this journey to peak performance.

Silhouettes of cyclists riding in a group, with one holding their arms overhead

Coach Connor’s Method to Training Recovery

Recovery is at the heart of training adaptation. Without rest the body can’t rebuild and get stronger. This is why recovery is fundamental to how I coach and a focal point for my athletes.


Recovery 101

Coach Trevor Connor explains the complex immune system response that leads to recovery, and why it happens in the first place.

relax to recover

The Key to Recovery? Take Care of Your Brain

Many tools and techniques promise recovery benefits. But the science suggests that the fundamentals—sleep and nutrition to fuel the brain—may be the best place to invest.