Knowledge Base


Coaching endurance athletes is an art, a science, and a craft.

We offer this selection of coaching-related articles, videos, workshops, and guides to help coaches begin to explore the support available for coaches through Fast Talk Labs.

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Coaching > Interval Workouts

Fast Talk Labs Head Coach Ryan Kohler coaches a female cyclist while on a bike ride near Boulder, Colorado.

6 // Managing Athlete Performance

As a coach, helping your athletes achieve their performance potential is an important task, but it’s rarely an easy one. In Module 6 of The Craft of Coaching, Joe Friel, together with several top coaches, share their experience on every aspect of this journey to peak performance.

photo of cycling coach Dean Golich with world-champion athletes, Allison Dunlap and Mari Holden

Block Training Plan for an Elite Cyclist

The principles of block training can be applied across endurance sports, whether the athlete is elite or amateur. The biggest difference is that elite or pro athletes have more time to train.