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Videos > Endurance Performance Data Analysis

Balancing Athlete Data and Devices title card

Balancing Athlete Data and Devices

The options for data and devices are endless and some athletes need their coach to intervene. Coaches Ryan Kohler and Alison Freeman describe the metrics that matter most.

Measuring Performance & Progression title card showing Joe Friel and Ben Day

Measuring Performance and Progression

Coaches Joe Friel and former pro cyclist Ben Day talk about setting goals and how measuring progress must include “more than just numbers.”

Coach Joe Friel discusses athlete training metrics in The Craft of Coaching

Training Metrics

Joe Friel provides an overview of the key training metrics that help coaches quantify training load and plan for performance.

Analytical Skills

Extend Your Analytical Skills

Joe Friel details the ways in which coaches can identify strengths and weaknesses in movement patterns, motivation, and training execution.

Quantifying Hard Efforts

Quantifying Hard Efforts

Dr. Stephen Cheung explores the various ways athletes and coaches can quantify hard efforts, and how this can inform training.

How to use TrainingPeaks Performance Management Chart

How to Use TrainingPeak’s Performance Management Chart

Coaches Trevor Connor and Ryan Kohler review TrainingPeaks metrics such as Acute and Chronic Training Load (ATL/CTL), Training Stress Balance (TSB), and discuss the interactions among the metrics.

Jonas Abrahamsen Zwift indoor cycling workout ride

How Long Is Too Long on Zwift?

Dr. Stephen Seiler analyzes a 13-plus-hour Zwift ride by Jonas Abrahamsen of the Uno-X Pro Cycling Team from Norway.