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Videos > Business of Coaching

Title card for Making Money as a Coach

Making Money as a Coach

Gordo Byrn used his racing career to build a coaching business. It started as a side gig to cover his racing habit, but, like many coaches, eventually he had to figure out how to turn a profit . . . and fast. Coming from the world of finance, Gordo brings a unique perspective to the business of coaching.

Marketing Your Coaching Business Thumbnail

Marketing Your Coaching Business

Frank Overton of FasCat Coaching streamlines a strategy for cost-effective marketing that can be scaled to fit any business. Couple a simple website with smart content marketing and you can get real traction that leads to growth.

Managing Coaches thumbnail

Managing a Coaching Team

Mike Ricci of D3 Multisport started out with a goal of getting to 100 athletes. He quickly realized he was going to need to hire more coaches. He describes the mistakes he made early in his career and how he manages his business now.

Coaching business non-negotiables

5 Non-Negotiables to Include in a Contract

A good contract positions your coaching business for growth by creating opportunity and defending against unforeseen threats. Use your contracts to clearly define expectations for members of your coaching team.