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Sport Psychology

Grit. Mental toughness. Resilience.

Fitness isn’t what separates the elites. It’s their ability to suffer, to manage their attitude, and to know when to push and when to pull back.

See what sport psychology methods high-level athletes use and which we can adopt during our own training and racing.

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Sport Psychology > Female Athletes

Lauren Vallee smiling while crossing a finish line

With Is Greater Than Against

When female athletes are encouraged to work with their competitors—not against them—it raises everyone’s game, as Coach Lauren Vallee knows only too well.

Lauren Vallee sitting in a chair

What Gets in the Way for Women

Body image, underfueling, negative self-talk, comparison—these are just some of the things that commonly prevent female athletes achieving their best, yet they don’t have to. One coach shares her way of turning this around.