Knowledge Base


Humans aren’t machines—we’re much more complicated. Exercise physiology involves changes in the body from exercise and rest.

From anaerobic threshold to environmental acclimatization, from FTP to PGC-1 alpha, we explore the science of human performance.

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Cyclists using the polarized training method or 80/30 training

Polarized Training Pathway

In collaboration with Dr. Stephen Seiler, the “father of polarized training,” we have curated everything you need to know about the 80/20 training method.

Testing to Identify Respiration Limiters

Coach Steve Neal helps athletes develop their respiratory systems to improve performance. Find out how the testing works, the limiters it exposes, and what you can do to start training your own breathing.

Chris Case and Trevor Connor indoor cycling.

How to Warm Up for Zwift Races

The demands of virtual racing are different from live racing. Physiologist Rob Pickels explores the science of warmups and how this applies to fast-start Zwift races.

A cyclist rides a fat tire bike through a snowy forest.

Exercise in the Cold Pathway

Exercising in cold weather has a significant impact on our physiology—from breathing to metabolism to performance. In this Pathway, you’ll learn about the physiological and psychological effects of cold from renowned environmental physiologist Dr. Stephen Cheung and many other experts.

VO2max test with Erica Clevenger

Could Respiration Be Your Limiter?

Athletes spend much of their time training their legs and heart. What about our lungs? Steve Neal breaks down the components of respiration to help explain why it could be holding you back.

triathlete racing in the heat

Exercise in the Heat Pathway

Endurance athletes inevitably face the challenges imposed by training and racing in the heat. How do our bodies respond, and what are ways that we can best prepare? Learn how to beat the heat with advice from Dr. Stephen Cheung, Dr. Stephen Seiler, and a range of experts and coaches.

heat adaptation with Dr. Stephen Cheung

Exploring Heat Adaptation Methods

Dr. Stephen Cheung explores how to develop heat adaptation protocols that fit your event, budget, and circumstances.