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Coaching endurance athletes is an art, a science, and a craft.

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Coaching > Training Concepts

Creating a Race Plan to Guide Training

Work with your athlete to create a race plan for the season—and then build your training plan from there, but remember there’s plenty to factor in.

Coach Joe Friel discusses race-day readiness on The Craft of Coaching

Race-Day Readiness

In this video, Joe Friel discusses how best to bring an athlete to form by striking the right balance between fitness and fatigue. It can be a fine line—and will be different for every athlete.

Graphic of vision, mission, and philosophy intertwined with each other

Performance Plan for an Aspiring Olympian

Dr. Andy Kirkland outlines what it will take for an aspiring young triathlete to go pro, illuminating a biopsychosocial approach to season planning.

Silhouettes of cyclists riding in a group, with one holding their arms overhead

Coach Connor’s Method to Training Recovery

Recovery is at the heart of training adaptation. Without rest the body can’t rebuild and get stronger. This is why recovery is fundamental to how I coach and a focal point for my athletes.

photo of cycling coach Dean Golich with world-champion athletes, Allison Dunlap and Mari Holden

Block Training Plan for an Elite Cyclist

The principles of block training can be applied across endurance sports, whether the athlete is elite or amateur. The biggest difference is that elite or pro athletes have more time to train.

USA Cycling coach celebrates with cyclocross athlete

1 // Building a Foundation for Success in Coaching

Coach Joe Friel details what it takes to be a good, happy, and successful coach, then shares how coaches can build the eight most important skills an effective coach must have.

WorldTour peloton racing

Training the Gut, with Asker Jeukendrup

Pioneering sports nutritionist Asker Jeukendrup joins us for a discussion on how in-race nutrition is trainable and why you should be training your gut.