How to Create a Race-Day Sports Nutrition Plan, Part 1
The best cyclists know that race-day nutrition must be planned—quantity, types of food, and timing that will best fuel your body for best performance.
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The best cyclists know that race-day nutrition must be planned—quantity, types of food, and timing that will best fuel your body for best performance.
Head Coach Ryan Kohler and Trevor Connor share how to best set up your bike computer head unit with screenshots, button configs, and more.
Dr. Stephen Seiler and his daughter, an elite runner and sport science student, analyze bronze medalist Molly Seidel’s Olympic training.
Dr. Stephen Seiler presents on the history and future of endurance sports testing and monitoring.
In this video, Dr. Seiler thinks out loud—with math—to explore how critical power and variable intensity races might connect in practice.
Dr. Stephen Seiler speaks at the Aspire Academy on why and how to monitor athlete training loads.
Head Coach Ryan Kohler and Trevor Connor share how to best set up your bike computer head unit with screenshots, button configs, and more.