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Female Athletes

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Black-and-white image of a woman running past a vineyard

Changing the Conversation from Weight Loss to Performance

The misconception that “lighter is better” has undermined endurance athletes of all genders, but a shocking number of female athletes have been emotionally and physiologically destroyed by weigh-ins and negative body talk. Coaches can learn how to best navigate conversations on this topic with these simple guidelines.

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Dr. Julie Emmerman on Maximizing Your Mental Game

What happens between your ears is every bit as important as what happens in your muscles. We talk goals, mindset, body image, and more with sport psychologist Dr. Julie Emmerman.

high intensity runner in the mountains

Nerd Lab: Are All High-Intensity Intervals Created Equal?

Physiologist Rob Pickels nerds out with Trevor Connor on four recent studies that span a wide range of topics, from the benefits of percussive massagers for strength work to the impact of pregnancy on elite runners. Tune in to find out more.