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Fast Talk Femmes

Fast Talk Femmes Podcast Title Art

Fast Talk Femmes is a podcast series focused on performance for female endurance athletes.

Cohosts Julie Young and Dede Barry have assembled some of the world’s leading experts on women in sports like Dr. Dana Lis, Jenn Sygo, Dr. Emily Kraus, and Catherine Cram to explore performance, nutrition, youth athletes, and training through the stages of life.

Distributed on the Fast Talk Podcast feed, Fast Talk Femmes is available wherever you get podcasts including these popular apps: Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher.

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FTF_Podcast ep 110_Dr. Julie_Emmerman

Dr. Julie Emmerman on Maximizing Your Mental Game

What happens between your ears is every bit as important as what happens in your muscles. We talk goals, mindset, body image, and more with sport psychologist Dr. Julie Emmerman.