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sports nutrition for endurance athletes

Sports Nutrition Pathway

Sports nutrition for endurance athletes is controversial. With the help of experts like Dr. Asker Jeukendrup, Dr. Timothy Noakes, and Dr. John Hawley, we examine the science of fueling your body for performance and health.

triathlete racing in the heat

Exercise in the Heat Pathway

Endurance athletes inevitably face the challenges imposed by training and racing in the heat. How do our bodies respond, and what are ways that we can best prepare? Learn how to beat the heat with advice from Dr. Stephen Cheung, Dr. Stephen Seiler, and a range of experts and coaches.

Simple Guide to Basic Endurance Sports Training Data

Basic Performance Data Analysis Pathway

Analyzing your training is a critical aspect of improving fitness. With the help of Dr. Stephen Seiler, Colby Pearce, Julie Young, and many others, we explore how and why to monitor and analyze data, and explore different approaches to interpreting and managing your workout data.