A Fast Talk Labs Pathway™ is a collection of expert perspectives that deeply explore an endurance sports topic.
Each Pathway is a deep dive by world-class experts into the topics they know best.
Follow a Pathway to gain mastery of a new aspect of training science. Follow a Pathway to discover the next path forward in your own training.
How to Follow a Pathway
Think of a Fast Talk Labs Pathway as a MasterClass for endurance sports. Library Members who complete a Pathway will come away with a comprehensive understanding of a topic from a variety of expert perspectives. Finish a Pathway and you’ll know the next path forward in your own training.

See the Introduction
Every Pathway begins with a brief video and text overview of the Pathway’s goals and topics.
Look at these to see what the Pathway can add to your own knowledge and training.

Begin at the Beginning
Pathways contain 10-20 stories newly created for the Pathway or carefully selected from existing Fast Talk Laboratories and Fast Talk podcast content.
Our experts and coaches have placed them in a specific order that’s designed to begin with the basics and build toward mastery.

Make the Connections
Before each story in the Pathway, our coaches provide an explanation for why the next story is included.
These brief introductions share the context and highlight what you should consider as you progress through the Pathway.

How Many Pathways Are There?
We plan to release new Pathways each month that address key concepts, training techniques, performance analysis methods, and much more.
To learn about new Pathways as they release, join Fast Talk Laboratories to receive our newsletter and see announcements in our Forum.
Endurance sports have long been a vibrant, thriving community of separate and distinct bodies of knowledge. By launching Pathways, Fast Talk Laboratories brings together experts from all over the world into a focused sport science community and virtual performance center.
What topics would you like us to explore in a Pathway? Let us know how Fast Talk Labs can help you! Contact us at info@fasttalklabs.com or post your Pathway requests on our Forum.