Knowledge Base


Cycling training is a science and an art. How endurance athletes train, when they train, and the intensity and duration of that training all affect the gains and adaptations they see.

Proper interval execution is essential to see the expected progress. How you analyze and interpret all that data is equally valuable. Of course, training needs to be planned so it fits into any given season, race schedule, and lifestyle. Off the bike, the importance of strength and conditioning is often neglected.

This is training. This process is what athletes live for.

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Why is it so hard to go easy?

Why Is It So Hard to Go Easy?

You know your workout is supposed to be easy, but you just can’t help dropping the hammer sometimes. A leading neuroscientist lifts the lid on what’s going on in your brain when this happens—and what you can do about it.

Ned Overend bike

How to Stay Fit and Fast As You Age

Getting older doesn’t have to equate to getting slower. We chat with two world champion athletes who share their secrets of success when it comes to slowing the aging process.

Training with Zwift, the virtual cycling and running training platform

How to Get the Most from Training with Zwift

If you are training with Zwift, don’t miss this guide from exercise physiologist Rob Pickels, who explores best practices for this virtual cycling and running platform.

male cyclist rides bike

Short on Time, but Big on Endurance Goals?

Then we’ve got some news you might like. Research out of Norway shows two shorter workouts can help build endurance in the same way those long workouts can.

how to succeed at Kona?

How Do You Succeed at Kona?

Heat, humidity, wind, pacing—we take a look at some of the factors that affect success at the Ironman World Championship in Kona.

External Load vs. Internal Response

External Load vs. Internal Response

Load, stress, strain—they’re terms we hear a lot in sports science, but what do they mean? Dr. Stephen Seiler explores how your internal response to external load will change as you become fitter and more durable.