Knowledge Base


It’s often overlooked, and sometimes altogether forgotten. But it never should be. Recovery is just as important to strong performances as your daily workouts and weekly riding volume. That’s because recovery is when adaptation happens. Learn how to master this critical and often overlooked side of the training balance equation.

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Fast Talk Laboratories Knee Health Pathway

Knee Health Pathway

Healthy knees are critical for cyclists. See how to keep your knees happy with bike fit, strength training, mobility, and expert advice from Dr. Andy Pruitt, Jess Elliott, and Menachem Brodie.

blood in test tubes

Demystifying Your Blood Profile

A blood profile can help athletes track progress and diagnose issues—but they need to know what to look for and work with a physician to interpret the data. This article will help to demystify your blood profile.

A group of cyclists rides through forest

Forget Marginal Gains and Focus on the Fundamentals

In an age when athletes often focus on the specifics, we address the importance of focusing on the fundamentals: training, recovery, and functioning gear—the things that will bring you the greatest return for your investment of time, sweat, and energy.

Saddle Sores and Chamois Construction

Battling Saddle Sores with Don Powell

When you sit on a bike saddle, that’s a lot of weight on a very small surface area, the weight of the torso, the way the helmet, the weight of the upper body, the arms, it’s all focused into this relatively small point, and then we’re going to add friction, and that’s generated by the movement of the legs, where the motion of pedaling becomes focused into a very small area.

Relaxing during the offseason

The Benefits of Taking an Off Season

Many athletes worry that they will lose fitness if they skip too many days of training. While detraining does occur over time, there are also many benefits to taking a break.