Knowledge Base

Strength Training

If you want to participate in endurance sports for years to come, you need to make strength training and conditioning a part of your routine, throughout the season.

Learn how functional training, including strength training, core strength, and mobility, can help you avoid injuries and improve performance.

Need more help with strength training? Talk with our coaches.

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How to Build a Better Athlete title card

How to Build a Better Athlete

Strength and conditioning coach Erin Carson shares her insights and expertise on building durable, happy, successful athletes—and it’s about more than just lifting weights in the gym.

Key Areas of Mobility Thumbnail

Key Areas of Mobility For Endurance Athletes

Moving well is the key to consistent training, but what are the key areas of mobility for endurance athletes? We find out in this video interview with strength coach Erin Carson.

A cyclist rides a bicycle near Boulder Reservoir in Niwot with trees and Haystack Mountain

Cycling Base Training Pathway

The concept of base training has been a part of endurance training for decades. Laying a foundation of fitness early in the season sets the stage for success later on. With the help of Joe Friel, Dr. Stephen Seiler, and Dr. Andy Pruitt, we explore the how and why of this fundamental aspect of endurance training.