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Ned Overend bike

How to Stay Fit and Fast As You Age

Getting older doesn’t have to equate to getting slower. We chat with two world champion athletes who share their secrets of success when it comes to slowing the aging process.

Athlete training at altitude

Fast Talk Labs Q&A #1

We get asked a lot of great—and nerdy—questions via our Fast Talk Labs Forum. Every month we’ll now be taking the best questions and publishing our answers. This month, our in-house physiologist Rob Pickels tackles the topics of altitude training and the impact of body composition on hypothermia.

athlete being coached in gym by trainer

Finding True Motivation—with Sonya Looney

Understanding your sources of motivation can be key to achieving your athletic potential, yet it’s a topic that can also be surprisingly complex. We talk with mental performance expert Sonya Looney on how to find your motivation.