Dr. Scott’s Storrie of Health and Natural Wellness Part 1 of 2

Dr. Scott Storrie, an extensively trained wellness practitioner, talks about various physical therapies and healthy diets with Colby Pearce.

Farmer's market from Stephy Miehle on Unsplash

Dr. Scott Storrie is a wellness practitioner who is a Board Certified Naturopathic Endocrinologist, a licensed Acupuncturist, and a licensed Chiropractor. Some of the therapies that he and Colby review in this podcast include Lymph Drainage Therapy, Japanese Acupuncture, Visceral Manipulation, Laserology, They review the spectrum of a well-balanced, healthy diet, and why certain foods should only be eaten at certain times of year.

Episode Transcript

Colby Pearce  00:13

Welcome to the Cycling in Alignment podcast, an examination of cycling as a practice and dialogue about the integration of sport and right relationship to your life.


Colby Pearce  00:25

Greetings Cycling in Alignment listeners. You have returned for another episode, which means the earth is still rotating. And you are interested in what I have to say or more relevantly interested in what my guests have to say. Today’s guest is Dr. Scott Storrie.


Colby Pearce  00:44

Dr. Storrie has been optimizing the wellness of my family for over two decades. He’s a chiropractor, and endocrinologist and an acupuncturist. He studied Japanese acupuncture, moxibustion, Chinese herbal therapies, visceral manipulation, German biological medicines, cranial sacral therapy, and lymph drainage. Believe it or not, this is only a partial list of the modalities that Scott can use to treat his patients. He’s continued to study and learn his entire career. And this is what enables him to treat the people who walk through his office door balls to bones, soup to nuts.


Colby Pearce  01:42

It is with great gratitude and respect that I welcome Dr. Storrie to my podcast. Without any further prognostication, please enjoy our discussion.


Colby Pearce  01:56

So you taught the Paleo Diet in back in 1995 you said?


Dr. Scott Storrie  01:59

Yeah, because Cordain just came out with it so I was teaching one on hyper-coagulation, as in the yogic blood, so that was the first time I taught that and then on the last day, I taught the Paleo Diet. And so everybody got to eat beets. And I have this great beet recipe on my website for roasted beets with like toasted sesame oil and cumin and all – tt’s really tasty – and so people are like “I don’t like beets.” I said, “You haven’t had my beets. I bet your mother gave you canned beets” and they go, “How do you know that?” Because everybody who got canned beets, hates baked beets. And I said, “This dish is so good.” And so I tell my new patients, try a recipe a week, a new one. And I say “Try that one” and they say like, “I don’t know if my family’s gonna eat it.” And so they cook it up, and then it’s all gone. I said, “Be prepared. You’re gonna pee red and poop read. And so you don’t have to call me on the phone and go. Ahhhh, Dr. Storrie I’m dying” I say, “Did you have beets last night?” “How did you know that?”


Colby Pearce  02:58

All right.


Dr. Scott Storrie  02:58

All right.


Colby Pearce  02:59

So, Dr. Scott Storrie. Thank you so much for making time to join me today on my podcast, Cycling in Alignment.


Dr. Scott Storrie  03:07

Glad to be here. Thank you for inviting me, Colby.


Colby Pearce  03:09

You bet. Yeah. What a joy. What an honor.


Dr. Scott Storrie  03:13

Thank you.


Colby Pearce  03:13

Scott has been helping my family take steps forward in wellness and health for over two decades. So you’ve seen me evolve in my own health practice, you’ve seen my wife grow, you’ve treated our daughter who’s now 20. What I love about your practices that you have, is you’re continually studying and learning and growing your own practice in order to serve and better – to help your clients step forward into their health practice, in many modalities. And that’s been really beautiful to be part of and watch and see your own practice grow.


Dr. Scott Storrie’s history with exercise

Colby Pearce  03:50

So, please walk us through your own journey. Tell us about where you’re from and how you came to stumble upon health as a wellness practice and a choice in your own life.


Dr. Scott Storrie  04:01

Fantastic. So I was born in Hartford, Connecticut during the Cold War. My dad was in the Coast Guard and he worked for six months and then he was discharged. And then my parents packed up and moved to Colorado. So I basically lived in Colorado my entire life, except for three years of chiropractic school in doom and gloom Portland, Oregon. I discovered seasonal affective disorder is a real, true disease, especially if you come from Colorado. If you’re used to 300 days of sunshine and you go to 300 days of grey and rain. And your plants that grew in Colorado don’t ever need watering during the wintertime you’re like, “Hmm”. So I actually made a trellis of lights for my plants and I would study under it because it made me feel better. So, I discovered verilux, but I made my own. So, that worked out really well.


Dr. Scott Storrie  04:45

But what’s interesting is that growing up in Colorado, it was a lot of open space back then, you know, six years ago. I guess, I’ve been around for a while too. So, the funny thing was, is that as I looked over my life for this interview, I had a paper route for five years. So from nine to 14, I rode my bike two miles every day. But it was kind of a bilateral thing because you have to throw papers with your left hand and your right hand, so you actually get to stay in your body and it’s kind of a cross crawl. So that was interesting.


Dr. Scott Storrie  05:20

Then when I was 14, my JC Penney 10 speed with my handlebars rolled back, a friend and I rode from University Park, all the way up passed Bailey, where they had a cabin. And this is back when there was very little of a margin on side of the road, and you weren’t supposed to drive on the highway. It said like “No cyclists,” but I said “Let’s just give it a try.” So, you know, I think it was six hours up and coming back with two and a half hours because when you get to that kind of elevation, as you know, when you come down hill, you can go very fast. So, two young teenage boys going “Weeeee” going 55 miles an hour, not thinking about road rash or anything like that. That was a lot of fun. It was really nice ride-


Colby Pearce  05:54

And you both stayed up right?


Dr. Scott Storrie  05:56

We both stayed off right-


Colby Pearce  05:56

That’s good.


Dr. Scott Storrie  05:58

Which was great. And then, you know, during this journey of wellness, back in the 1980s, in college, Ian, Sofia, and myself, we taught aerobics to 200, screaming college kids; for two years, and it was so much fun. And how I got into that was, we used to run six miles a day. And I thought, she goes, “Let’s go do aerobics.” And I’m like, “Oh, yeah, that’s for girls, man. I run six miles a day.” And so she says, “Well come with me.” And I go in there, and I’m the only guy and there’s like 40-50 women. And so I told all my friends, hey, you know, this is the place to be. But it couldn’t finish the rubbish class, I was sucking wind and I got so sore the next day. So, then that’s what got me into doing aerobics; that post interval training and whole body workout and all that… So that was my beginning of that kind of training.


Dr. Scott Storrie  06:43

Then went on to do some Kung Fu. I wanted to get my black belt, and along the journey was one of my healing experiences, because I lacked that kind of killer Bruce Lee spirit. But I had fractured six bones in my body with the help of other people. So, I first I broke my leg, then three different times, different ribs. And then the last one was a spinning heel kick to my nose that made it stick to the left, so I had to put it back in place. Then I decided that, you know, maybe this is not for me. So I decided I didn’t want my second degree black belt. First one was fine. And so then I took Tai Chi, because in Tai Chi, there’s no fear of fracture. So between yoga and Tai Chi, those are my main forms of exercise with hiking, what I found was as my body was fluid, my chi was balanced, my autonomic nervous system became much more parasympathetic, my heart rate dropped, and that was really good. And even though I eat Paleo, and take my supplements, and I meditate, and I do all important things for wellness, I just kept getting a little thicker, a little thicker, a little thicker, a little thicker, and I got up to about a, like 195, almost 200 pounds. And so and it doesn’t fit with my activity level. And so then I decided that I need to do something different.


Dr. Scott Storrie  07:51

So I remember Jackie Lane from back in the day, he had the longest running TV program in history, even longer than Johnny Carson, and so we ordered his 10 DVD set, and each one has, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, his 25 minute workout. And so what that did is it got us back in the habit, because the habits are the important things that make our life rewarding and rich, but also easier. Better habits, easier life, you know, much more enjoyable. So we did Jackie Lane, and after you cycle through all 50, you start over again – and over again and over again.


Dr. Scott Storrie  08:22

So after a couple few years, you kind of get tired of his jokes and you exercise when he’s sitting there talking and then the pandemic happened. And so Ian’s View was looking in the 5280 in there talk about the hot new workout in Denver is Plango.


Dr. Scott Storrie  08:39

So, Plango is combination of kapaware martial arts, and Tango dancing and salsa dancing. So you get this really nice smooth riff going, but you’re also moving your whole body. So we thought, let’s give it a try, we had a little spare time. So we plugged in playing a fitness 102, and it’s 39 minutes long, we made it 22 minutes, and *heavy breathing* we had to take a break. And so basically, we watched the last part of it. And then over the span of about three weeks to get up to that 39-40 minute mark. And so he does this interesting cycling of three or four exercises, and then he repeats them and then repeats them and they’re all to the four count, six count, eight count. And so it’s really easy to do, but it challenges the brain, because he’s not telling you what to do, you have to watch him. And he motions with his hands where he’s gonna go and what he’s gonna do, but you really have to stay really present. It’s not one of those checkout workouts where you can do like aerobics on TV or something.


Dr. Scott Storrie  09:35

So now we’re up to four different ones that we do and I’m in the best shape of my life. It’s fantastic. And so that, plus some dog walking and hiking to round everything out and get my nature time, that is kind of like my movement progression throughout my entire life. And so when people come in and they’ve done like cycling, like yourself, and in other activities, I know exactly where to look at the body because the chakra changes. Like, you know, some people like to hike and they hike with the sticks, right, but their center of gravity goes from below their belly button to up in the middle of their chest, and their legs become even more unstable. And so every activity has its strengths and weaknesses. And so what I like to do is build upon the strengths and supplement the areas that are a little bit weak. And so then we added things to yourself and Mari, the elbow and the myofascial stretching. What’s interesting is I’ve never done movement that so addresses my compensation patterns from doing bodywork, and also exercising and more the frontal plane and lateral. So she’s actually helping me with my axial extension, and the opening of my shoulders. And so my body actually is the strongest and healthiest it’s ever been. And those last two things really just kind of took care of the business.

Dr. Scott Storrie’s study of alternative medicine

Colby Pearce  10:47



Dr. Scott Storrie  10:49

Okay, so my study of alternative medicine, this is very interesting. This is a kind of a dialogue with the body and trying to figure out which mediums can address which issues in the body. So I graduated from college during the Reagan recession and so I ended up managing a health food store for almost three years. And when I worked in the health food store, what I noticed was that if I just changed somebody’s diet and got them to take some supplements, we could get a vast change in their quality of life and their wellness, some of their symptoms would go away, some would lessen. And so it was really profound. But I was working 80 hours a week, and it was just really a tense time.


Dr. Scott Storrie  11:23

And so my wife, Sophia’s, cousin came through town, and he adjusted my middle back. And the sound was registering golden, you know, with the earthquakes, so loud. And so I’m sitting there and I get up and I’m like, I’m not in pain anymore. And all the tension in my shoulder blades was gone. So I walked up front, and I said to my wife, “I know what I want to do for the rest of my life.” And she’s thinking “he’s gonna want to move to New York and be a stockbroker,” because that was one of my degrees I got from my education, and I said, “No, I want to be a chiropractor.” She’s like, “No, really, what do you want to do?” I said, “I want to be a chiropractor.” She says, “I’m not moving to Des Moines, Iowa. You have to find somewhere else to go.” Because all the nine chiropractors that were in her family all went to Palmer Chiropractic.


Colby Pearce  12:03

She had nine chiropractors in her family?


Dr. Scott Storrie  12:05

Yeah, yeah. Starting with her grandfather. He was the first. And then some of their cousins and aunts and uncles, everybody started going to chiropractic school, because they saw the power of the adjustment and what it could do to bring some blood flow, some nerve force, back into the body, help the posture, speed up the healing process.


Dr. Scott Storrie  12:23

So then I got to Chiropractic and what was interesting is that I decided that it would take one seminar a month for my entire career. So it’s a four academic years. But if you go straight, you can do it in three. So in those three years, I took 36 seminars, because I wanted to graduate with more education and more skill than somebody’s been practicing for, like 10 years. And so that was really a lot of fun.


Dr. Scott Storrie  12:45

And so then I learned applied kinesiology. And then – clinical kinesiology actually started with Alan Beardon in Portland, Oregon and so that’s a different type of muscle testing and asking the body different questions. Then after that, I realized that each modality that I learned, only had a sphere of influence on a certain part of the body, and that I needed to branch out even more. So then I study Japanese acupuncture, and then I got licensed in acupuncture.


Dr. Scott Storrie  13:10

And then after that, our office burned down and I developed what chronic fatigue was that I had never experienced, but it heard of. So for two years. We basically work seven days a week, I worked three days a week, clean out the office, do construction, go back go forth. So at the end of two years, I basically could barely make it through the workday and there was no reason for it; I ate the same diet, I took the supplements, but I burned my adrenals out.


Dr. Scott Storrie  13:35

So then Ian found for me up an endocrinology certification program, naturopathic endocrinologist. So I took the program, took the test, and then started basically healing my body. And so when the test came up, when he, Dr. Perkins showed us a hormone evaluation, he crept across my name, and he was there someone in the room who looks 72 years old. Oh, but he’s really only 40. Wow, whoo, that’s not good. So then I started doing some prescription hormone creams that I can make and some different powders. And I was able to turn that around with everything else that we’ll talk about today. And now at 60. I look like I’m about 40. And so I like being the 60 looking fourty` versus the other guy.


Dr. Scott Storrie  14:21

Then we branched out we learned some cranial sacral, did some functional and biological medicine, its a German medicine to work with homeopathics to bring balance to your body. Visceral manipualtion: I took so much this manipulation, like 600 hours, I was going to actually start teaching, but then there was a shift in how the organization was run and I didn’t really jive with it, so I decided to go off and study lymphatic drainage.


Dr. Scott Storrie  14:45

So each medicine deals with the body in a different way. So in chiropractic school, you learn the muscles, the bones, the nerves and the whole external part in the brain. But you can personally go through the organs. So in visceral manipulation, you get to learn specificity, you know, specifics of the organ and what each one feels like. Because each organ is covered with fascia, yeah. And it gives it a form and a function and then you can feel that organ and if there’s any restriction, it limits the amount of motion that can go through that part of the body, and you have to walk around it.


Dr. Scott Storrie  15:17

And so one time we were in Hawaii, when there’s a lot of people, you know, we’re in speedos and whatnot. And so I sat there with a little checklist and I went, Okay, that person is walking around the right kidney, and that person is to their colon, that person’s got a long restriction. And you can watch how the person walks, and they walk around that area of the body. Mm hmm. And then everybody needs to lymphatic drainage because of 100% of your blood goes out through an artery 90% of the fluids come back through the venous system. 10% come back through the lymphatic. So when the fluid leaks out, it nourishes the cells. It brings oxygen in and then the lymph carries away the waste products.


Dr. Scott Storrie  15:51

So the lymph system is your is your trash can basically?


Dr. Scott Storrie  15:54

Yeah. And so most people, their trash cans is overflowing, right, and their trash pickup doesn’t come by as often as they would like. So we spent a lot of time working with that on every treatment.


Dr. Scott Storrie  16:06

Um, I branched out to do a laser, cold laser. And the reason is, is that it can stimulate your mitochondria. So if I want to speed up your healing process, or in the case of like with a pandemic, and people being so stressed out, you see is affecting their brain function, you can’t function at this level of stress, and maintain wellness. And so part of my practice is to get people to get their brain to calm down.


Dr. Scott Storrie  16:29

And then we do the PMF, the pulsed electromagnetic frequency device. That actually comes more from Germany and that specific wavelengths designed to treat different pathology in the body, and give your body the energy it needs so that it can heal again. And so whether it’s chronic inflammation or limb stagnation, not enough oxygen, acute injury, there’s different programs that just speed up the healing of that part of the body.


Dr. Scott Storrie  16:54

And then we finish off with rock blade and rocktape. So what’s interesting is that the rock blade because it has such a fine edge, it separates the skin from the underlying fashion, superficial and deep fashion and then muscle, ligament, tendon, bone, organ. So if I can use that gently to open up the entire fascicle system, the matrix, then I can go sink deeper into the tissue with less effort. Because when I first learned it, when you did deep tissue work, you could use your finger to use your forearm, your elbow, but this the surface area is so large, it takes a lot of pressure, and you stimulate a lot of pain receptors. And so there’s a lot of pushback. And so I don’t get that with rock blading. And then once I treat somebody, I tape them up. And what the tape does is it lifts the skin up just a little bit to improve that fluid exchange. Yep. And then what it does is it retrains the brain. So if you’ve had an injury, and then what happens is, is the brain smudges it out it goes, I don’t want to take a look at that left shoulder because it’s occupying too much space in my brain. So you basically just tune it out. So if you think about every injury you’ve ever had, you’ve got you know, your ankle, your hip, your back, your neck, your shoulder, your wrist if you sprained it, and so all these areas aren’t being represented accurately, you get kind of this morphed map of how you see yourself.


Colby Pearce  18:08

It’s like a your proprioceptive system has been shut down in that area, because brains, it’s healing. But also isn’t that part of the protective mechanism? So you don’t overuse that area. If you can’t really feel it, you can’t do too much with it. Of course, in the western mindset, the athlete’s mind is like, but I have to. So we kept doing doing doing trying to smash through that vague, vague proprioceptive wall.


Dr. Scott Storrie  18:31

Yeah. And it encourages abnormal biomechanics.


Colby Pearce  18:34

Yes. Because that’s how you start to walk. Yeah, work around that. Exactly.


Dr. Scott Storrie  18:37

Yeah. And that’s that whole thing around cymatics and felden crisis, you need proprioceptive training to bring your body back to its original, most effective range of motion; whether it’s flexing and extending, laterally, flexing or rotation, that we all have adaptation. So that’s what you just – we’ve just described the origin of a compensation pattern.


Dr. Scott Storrie  18:58

And then let’s see, oh, and then Colby and I are gonna be taking a class in a few weeks Global Postural Stretching.


Colby Pearce  19:04

So excited about that.


Dr. Scott Storrie  19:05

Yeah. So three days, 90 stretches, epsom salt bath will be an order and some natural anti-inflammatories.


Colby Pearce  19:12

and Nikki Costello, the adult eldo instructor you just referenced, she’s also taking a class with us.


Colby Pearce  19:17

It’s going to be very exciting.


Dr. Scott Storrie  19:17



Dr. Scott Storrie  19:18

It’s gonna be very fun. I was, and see this is the thing is that when I take a new concept in like lymph drainage, or visceral manipulation, I have to fit it in with everything that I’ve already learned. So it forces me to step back and see what my previous work did and how it’s modified with the newest adjunct. So I think this new stretching is can be very exciting.


Colby Pearce  19:38

It’s a continual process of refinement and growth.


Dr. Scott Storrie  19:42

And that’s the beauty of the work that we do. So you know, basically, whether it’s, you know, personal coaching and training and bike fitting. It’s like, everything we can do to help somebody function better raises their enjoyment of their life, things that they can do.


Colby Pearce  19:54

Yes, yeah. Isn’t it rewarding? Yeah, it’s amazing work. I love it. Just it’s the type of work that for me, no matter how tired I am, or how much work I put out output in one day, I just feel that, that it’s so rewarding to help someone with their life that I feel like there’s always another reservoir of energy to tap into. And that reservoir is really outside of myself to a degree because I’m accessing the energy of well love to help other people to lift their level. And that just travels through me. So then I don’t have to tap into myself my own reserves. I’m using what’s out there, and offering it up to someone else to help them be better.


Dr. Scott Storrie  20:39

I saw a new patient yesterday, and she has left knee pain and a baker cyst, a swelling in the joint capsule on the back of the knee. And it’s been going on since March, and with the lockdown, basically, she started running and walking more. But what happened was, and then this is when somebody comes in, and we’ll talk about this a little while, I see if their brain is working, if they can actually give me a strong intact muscle to do testing. If every muscle on their body is weak, the brain and the body, they’ve kind of had a blue circuit, yeah, and we need to reset it. So when we reset it, and then the muscles are strong, that means that they’ve got good motor control. But when the arm is weak, that means, and I saw this during the whole COVID time, is people who run and lift weights and do with different kinds of exercise, they all had emergencies of injuries with activities they normally did for a normal duration and intensity. And they all had the weak muscle, because when they’re walking, rather than getting that specific motor control, the body wobbles a little bit. And with that wobbling, you get an irritation of the joint capsule, the ligament, you strain the muscle, the tendon.


Dr. Scott Storrie  21:44

And so basically, we turned our brain back on, but even when we got her brain working, then the left leg was not attached. And so then we figured out what we need to do, we turn all the muscles on. And then we taped her up. And when she got up, she realized that she had disconnected from her entire left leg and she didn’t trust it. And so when she stood up, I said, “Now I want you to walk mindfully and purposefully and really feel what your left leg says to so that it can come back in and be part of your body.” And then she scooted up the stairs a big smile on her face. And she just said “thank you very much.”


Dr. Scott Storrie  22:19

So you come in, what do I do? First, I look at you. I look at your skin color. Is it ashen gray? Is it like nice and rosy? And over the last several months more people come in and are gray from stress. Then I look at your posture. How are you walking when you come in the office? You know, do you kind of lean to the left or the right or just one foot? Can you do that kind of like short step, big step depending on what’s happening in the pelvis and the lower extremities? Then I look at your, I listen to your voice; how does your voice sound? Does it sound really wispy and hard to hear you talk? Or is it really robust or, because it kind of tells me where the person’s chi is and also what’s going on in their life. And then when I when I start to work with them, I smell them. Because basically a healthy body smells healthy. But in Chinese medicine, there’s five elements. And so you know, to this smell sweet, sour, salty, it’s kind like you get all these different flavors. But when you start doing the lymph drainage, and you start treating somebody, you could actually smell what’s coming out of their skin.


Colby Pearce  23:16

Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so when you sell a certain if you if you’re picking up like a sweet odor, is that indicative of them consuming to me sweet foods? Or is that their body just happens to be processing that in particular, that particular energy or their dominant energy? Or the deficient or what? How do you interpret that?


Dr. Scott Storrie  23:35

Well, so sweet is the flavor of late summer. It’s a spleen stomach. So like when you go to farmers market and like everything’s in season, that’s late summer, so peaches, pears, peaches, and so people like they’ll eat more fruit, and they’ll have more of a sweet smell. But some intrinsic odor is always with the body. So if your spleen stomach person, you’ve got the sweet smell around. Yeah, you’re around. If you’re the lung, large intestine, you’ve got this accurate, putrid kind of smell. Yep, that’s that. So basically, you can use it to kind of figure out a person’s constitution. And then that modifies a acupuncture and herbs and things that I do.


Colby Pearce  24:09

Right, right. To put them more into balance,


Dr. Scott Storrie  24:12

yes, yes. And then when they sit in front of me, I actually put my hands on their body. And I want to feel like when I put my hand on the head, because all the fashio is interrelated in the body, I can feel where the lesion is. So where’s the first policy, it’s in the middle of the neck. So then I touch that, and then I look for the other one. And so it’s like stalking in the body. So then it might go to their spleen. So then I touch their spleen, and then I look into my go to the right SI joint. So you can literally go through and find a causal chain. Yeah. So if you treat the hip first, then the spleen might go away, or it’s much less prominent and you do that and then the neck might heal itself, or it needs a little intervention. So you can actually map a pathway of fascia to figure out what the person really needs.


Colby Pearce  24:55

So you might say you’re looking for the mother. Yeah, right. Is that a fair way to say it? Yeah, that’s so easy. Interesting. So I had the opportunity to take a class A few months ago it was online. Normally it would be in person but it was a Thomas Meyers, anatomy trains class, and it was a live dissection. And it was just fascinating and and relating to your point about the fascia and in particular about how the organs are enveloped in fascia. During this particular dissection, we saw a woman whose liver had some facial connections, some lines of fascia directly from the organ to the diaphragm. And they pointed that are kneeling. So this is not something you’ll find in an anatomy textbook. Like there’s no textbook that shows you a fascicle a line of fascia like a band of fashion was like, as thick as a pinky theater from the liver to the diaphragm. Yep. But there was plans day we could see it, we caught it with a knife to free the lift from the diaphragm. And everyone asked, Well, why is this here? What is what causes this anomaly? And the dissector said, Well, you know, he’s been doing this for three and a half decades or whatever. He said, in my opinion, it’s really hard to tell, of course, you don’t know where we’re making some suppositions about this person live their life and what happened. But generally speaking, if an organ is challenged, fascia will grow in any part of the body that is challenged to find stability. Yeah, but it’s not just mechanical stability. It’s also energetic stability. Or you might say, metabolic stability. So the liver is being challenged all the time. That facial band is growing there to support the liver, not just from physically moving, but to give it some energetic or metabolic support. So he said, I, my suspicion is that this person was taking prescription drugs for a long period of time, and that was challenging their liver. Yeah. And that’s what and so when people come to me for a fit, and we see fashion restrictions, sometimes I’m still on this journey. I’m learning about this kind of stuff. But it’s like, why do we see certain restrictions in their movement pattern on the bike? There are lots of possible explanations, right?


Dr. Scott Storrie  26:44

Would you agree with that? Yeah. And then a lot of it comes from the inside. So all of us have visceral restrictions. And so the fascia, so form follows function and function follows form. So if I change the way you move in the structure of your body, then its function is going to change. Yes. And if we change the function, then the form changes. And so that’s true musculoskeletal, but it’s also true with the organs. And so john Pierre Burrell, he’s the visceral manipulation originator, he’s a French osteopath, he actually discovered because he was working as a PT, as in a place where there were a lot of old miners and people that were at war, and they had like mustard gas exposure when he would feel these lines of tension. And he would note them, and then when they would do the dissection with the autopsy, they’d actually find the fashion lines in there. Yep, so you can actually pick up on them just by putting your hands on the body. And just like listening, because the body says, I got a problem over here, and I’m just looking for somebody who can find it. And it has the tools in the tool bag to fix it, so that it can free them up.


Colby Pearce  27:46

And that brings me to such a beautiful concept that I’ve been sharing with all of my athletes recently, which is just that it’s amazing to me how many people this isn’t intuitive for and, and I don’t say that with any. You know, judgment. I it took me a long time to learn this lesson myself, I think. But for some reason in the Western Athletic world, that we don’t have this as a supposition. And it’s something that if I could give it as a gift to all my athletes as a level of understanding, I would just push a button and make them understand it or help them understand it, but the body is the perfect healing machine. So when you see the body and you you can discern these facial attachments, or see these movement patterns, you can quickly understand that it is how the body is it’s how its responded to the life load it’s been given the stress load the physical load, the dietary load, the the whatever other load we’ve imposed on it, the parasympathetic sympathetic balance or imbalance, the Yang activities we do or maybe too much in depending on COVID in the tummy here or whatever you’re not going on. Right? And you see those layers just if you were saying you could peel back those layers and try to find the mother the root cause of something, not the symptom. And then you understand the body actually wants to exist in a in a perfect state it is trying to heal itself constantly. But these fashion lines as an example, are these facial Is that the right word?


Dr. Scott Storrie  29:06

Yeah, facial was it’s kinda like a fascia whether you do surgery or you have trauma, it creates adhesions. Yes, and so there’s fibroblasts going around your body, looking for an area where there’s been a trauma, and that area when it secretes, its cytokines, what happens is, all the fibroblasts in the body migrate to that area. Mm hmm. And when the body makes facial adhesions, what happens is it’s like a 360 degree spiderweb Yes. And when I work with people, you start to really like, soften them, so that they’re less problematic cause less problems in other parts of the body. But then their mission, their job is to like move into that area and teach that area how to remould the fascist fascist always responding to how you workout to load. Yeah, load and duration duration city. Yes, yes.


Dr. Scott Storrie  29:54

Right. And whether your aerobic anaerobic,


Colby Pearce  29:56

that’s right. So one of the most to help. I think a lot of people may be Conceptually are still getting their heads wrapped around what fascia is, I explained this to a lot of my clients and fit sessions. And one of the most, I think, easy to understand examples is a dowagers hump. So doubters hump is, you see someone who’s in their six seventh decade of life and the head is carried forward of the ribcage. And such to such a degree that the upper part of their back their thoracic spine, or the lower or the cervical spine, actually starts to look a bit like the neck of a buzzard. And it begins to get this sort of lump at the top of the shoulders behind back the posterior aspect of the shoulder, so above the shoulders and towards the bottom of the neck, and it gets this lump that grows. And that lump is made a fascia that that’s the body modeling is basically making a little suspension bridge to help the weight of the head as the head the head should be stacked over the spine. That’s how you’re going to walk through life with stability. And posture, which is, by definition, the ability to respond to any load instantaneously with ideal alignment. So when the head is carried forward of the ribcage and of the pelvis, that’s a lot of weight, that the body wasn’t mechanically engineered to carry that weight forward of the centerline like that. So it’s moving your center gravity forward, it’s got to respond by by building a structure. So it literally builds a suspension bridge to hold the head so it doesn’t fall off and land on the ground.


Dr. Scott Storrie  31:22

That’s correct. And the problem with damage or something shows up also. And people that do prednisone is basically when you do prednisone, you digest yourself, it’s like too much cortisol in a short period of time, and the body starts to lose its structure can’t hold itself up. So the shoulders round to the front, yeah, head goes to the front, and you get that big glob of fat back there. And fascia Yeah, and it can be reversed. But they’ve done studies and for every inch, your ears go anterior over your shoulder crosses, where they should be neutral, that it shortens your life by about five years, because it chokes off the blood supply to the brain. Yep, and also puts pressure on the cranial nerves and the cervical nerves and so you’re more likely to have like carpal tunnel and a variety of other, you know, loss of strength in your hands, etc. Because of the occlusion of the neck muscles. Because they’re, they’re made to function in a certain way. When you start bringing that head forward, my job is really to get it back. And then you know, have people like you know, Nikki teach people although and with the axial extension, to bring your body back to optimal alignment. Yeah. And so part of it is, is the work I do opens up the possibility, but then the person has to change how they live their life and their habits. And that’s one of my concerns with I see all these cyclists, especially the older ones, because of their posture, you know, yet the rounding of the shoulders the the collapsing of the clavicles the upper lung, you know, you get that nice big curve and you jack up this suboccipital area over it’s


Colby Pearce  32:44

chronic tension let’s add weight to it. Let’s let’s put a helmet on your helmet and do it for hours a day where your your craning forward like the like a buzzard neck and then your your vertical eyes in the face while your torso is at 4530 degrees. I call it a kebab Korean posture. Yeah, I hate to say it audience, but cycling does not help this, it makes it worse. So if you want a really simple test, just stand against a straight wall, put your heels against the wall, your butt against the wall. And is it comfortable for you to extend your spine and lift the crown of the head and put the back of your head against that wall and keep your head level? people they go way back and they hyper extended just to say I can touch the wall and then I bring their chin down and their head comes out. Yes.


Dr. Scott Storrie  33:29

said so that’s their homework is to stand up against the wall every day. Yep. For just like five minutes and breathe and just feel that length that comes into the spine.


Colby Pearce  33:37

Yes, yes. On each exhale, your spine should grow and get taller. So if your chin is pointing up when you do that exercise, you’re you’re kind of genomic I keep your chin down. Yeah,


Dr. Scott Storrie  33:48

yeah. And so that’s what brings you the whole thing about cross training is that every exercise has its strength, but creates other weaknesses. So you have to round out. So when you look at cycling, it’s like, Okay, I need to create lengthen the spine, having the shoulders back, you know, lengthen my soul as which is like super tight. And so this is just a compensation pattern. But you can look at every movement and figure out which activities can bring balance and strength to that weakness. every sport has its sport specific compensation patterns. I would argue that cycling probably has more than most other sports or many other sports I’ll say. Well, the reason I would say is because the duration intensity. First I would like to ask all cyclists smile while you’re cycling. I’ve never seen so many people grimacing and frowning in her face and in like


Colby Pearce  34:34

turning the pedal in anger,


Dr. Scott Storrie  34:36

please. Yeah, you’re turning pale and anger. And what that does is it breaks the the hormones dis regulate just from your facial expression. So give me a little smile, relax the face and really enjoy the writing. Because when you grimace like that you’re not really enjoying is you’re not in the flow.


Colby Pearce  34:50

You’re saying we should be grateful for the fact that we have this effluent ability to go exercise with free will and ride bikes that cost more than many people’s cars.



Yes, yeah,


Dr. Scott Storrie  35:00

yeah. And just just we can just do it whenever we want and go enjoy nature and connect with the body. Well, the other morning, we were coming back from Jamestown to our house, which is only 10 minute drive. We counted 60 cyclists. Yeah. And some of them were riding side by side, which by law they’re not supposed to do and they have been getting tickets lately, which I think is good for the community because it keeps the drivers honest and the riders on it. So if we can coexist in a harmonious synergistic way, then peace, love, Hope it all works out.


Colby Pearce  35:28

So just so you know, Jamestown is a really popular local route up Canyon called lefthand Canyon, and we had some 500 year floods here in 2013. And that Canyon got totally smoked. A lot of the road got washed away, and it needed some work anyway, and it took them about what two and half years for them to completely redo the canyon from the bottom of the canyon of lefthand Canyon. They they repaved all the road all the way up to Jamestown, and they added a big fat bike lane in the whip and now it is it’s like interval alley people. It’s just the most beautiful Canyon they regraded the road, the good, perfect pavement. Yeah. And it’s nice and flowy. And so it is a really idyllic riding area but and it’s not super heavily traffic with auto traffic now, which also makes it nice. Yes, very much. So.


Dr. Scott Storrie  36:17

Yeah. So you know, evaluate the posture, I look at the lymph drainage. So the lymph drains right behind the clavicle, where the muscle comes down the neck, the sternocleidomastoid Yes. And so I can actually palpate where the left turns back into the blood supply. And that is kinda like the starting point. And then what we’ll do is I’ll look for the Rasta thoracolumbar rotation, and then I’ll just go in and drain the length. And the range of motion usually doubles. Because this is such an important part. It’s highly integrated in the nervous system. And it’s important that the blood and the lymph returned to the heart so that we can live a long life. But again, when that when the arms crushing, you’ve got the you know, you’re doing that aerodynamic speeding down the road. I’m just like, Wow, that looks really good. But you’re gonna have to spend equal time doing the other. So you see a lot of cyclists walking around bowling with their arms back and their chest out in their head back that they’re just trying to counterbalance that. activities


Colby Pearce  37:10

that come with the sport. Hopefully we see cyclists everywhere doing that.


Dr. Scott Storrie  37:13

Yes, yeah. Yeah. So then we look at your temperature and your pulse ox that actually came about because the covid, you know, so check people’s temperature and right, my patients and myself, we tend to run a little cooler, you know, so like, 98.4 and 98.3. And it’s not a hypothyroid thing. It’s just more that our metabolisms are work. We we want to be well, we want to be healthy. And so if the average temperature is 98.6, and most of Americans are unhealthy, then that tells me it’s a little too hot. And then also, if your pulse rate is supposed to be 72, then really it should be 65 or 60. So most of my patients have, you know, nice lower heart rate, lower blood pressure, lower temperature, and they breathe deeper.


Colby Pearce  37:53

So a little more a little more parasympathetic. Yeah. dominant during a nice relaxing session with Dr. Sorry. Yep.


Dr. Scott Storrie  38:01

Yeah, definitely. So after we do that, and we assess it, you know, only one of my patients can’t quite keep their Pulse ox up in bits because they shallow breathing, they have a lot of stress. I mean, the other day I checked mine, it was 100. I’m like, Oh, yeah, that doesn’t happen very often. Normally, I’m about 98. Yeah, yeah. Then we look at the cranial nerves. So we use the muscle testing to look at the 12 cranial nerves and the pelvic nerves. Now they all develop when you’re in the womb. And so that way, when you’re born, you can suckle, you can digest and you can eliminate, so everything’s supposed to work that way. Once you’re born, your right brain kicks in for the first two years, and you develop spatial awareness and kind of like look at forms and colors and things like that, then all mighty to learn how to say no, and the left brain kicks in. And so we go through and we look at the 12 cranial nerves, and there’s specific tests for each cranial nerve, and then the pelvic nerves. And then we look at the right brain, we have people home like row row, Mm hmm. And then also we do multiplication for the left brain. And wherever the arm goes weak, then we just make a note. And during this whole COVID, lockdown, stressful thing, a lot of people were coming in and first their arm was weak. And then so the bread had been that disconnect, you know that circuit breaker bone. Then once that works, I mean, go through and find out and a lot of ocular stress, a lot of jaw stress, yeah, let it digest to problems. And so all these cranial nerves, we figure out which one is the most important, and then we give it the laser treatment that it wants. And then also all the 12 cranial nerves kick in the pelvic nerves are working, the right brain left brain are interfacing. And people just start to feel better. It’s like you have more resources. Yeah. If your eyes are tired, just because the optic nerve, that part of the brain is tired and the muscles are tired, then you’re it’s like driving around with the emergency brake on you’re gonna spend a lot more mental energy doing your daily task and not know why you’re so tired at the end of the day. Yep. Just sort of seeing like your eyes gain up hill all day trying to get stuff done.


Colby Pearce  39:51

Yeah. So why would people’s ocular nerves be tired Scott during COVID I mean, I can’t imagine Gee, too much computer time.


Dr. Scott Storrie  39:58

Oh, wait much laiv and news. Yeah, what does computer time do to our ocular nerve that’s sub optimal? Well, what is you’re looking at the same distance. And so if you look at the safe distance all the time, and you’re just doing short movements there six muscles in the eye that move the eye function. And so basically, if you’re looking at the same place, those muscles start to get really tight. The eyeball gets tight. And


Colby Pearce  40:22

so the other ones started gotten become atrophied, right? If you’re always.


Dr. Scott Storrie  40:27

Yeah, so the eyeball actually gets hard is when the muscles are lack movement. Yeah, then what happens is when the muscles get hard, the eyeballs loses its elasticity. Because it’s a fluid filled sphere. That doesn’t sound good. No, it’s not good. Okay. And so then the last test I do with the eyes is I have somebody watch a pencil as I bring it in, and they should be able to converge. Yeah, and you need the convergence. But you know, from behavioral optometry, what they found is that when people get stressed out, their eyes become you become looking at your peripheral. So you kinda like a deer, or like my grandparent nice dog, they basically assess movement, because that’s what they need to survive.


Colby Pearce  41:03

The Ice Age is either gone out to the side, okay, so


Dr. Scott Storrie  41:08

yeah, so what we do is I haven’t do pencil push ups, we laser and then also I can manipulate the eyeballs to restore elasticity. And then to give them some exercises to do, and then they feel much better, and they’re not so tired after spending hours on the computer. So if you’re on the computer, every once a while, take a break and look outside and look at a tree or a bird or something, then come back to your work. And then so you want to do that close far, you know, it’s like exercising the eye muscles. Hmm. And then what about eye rolling is that so you can do eye rolling. And then also you can palm the eyes where you take your palm of your hand and eyes cannot have context and when you do this, but you can put the palm on your eye. And then I have people do an infinity sign a few times nice and slow. Yeah, and then they go backwards. Yeah. And then we do the number eight, several times and backwards in and those nonlinear diagonal movements actually get the eye muscles to stretch out and also you’re making your eyeball supple again.


Colby Pearce  42:01

So in the exercise world, we’re dominant by sagittal plane movement, and in the eyeball world where dominated by small I guess, would be lateral movement, basically also. So diagonal movement is the key to everything. It’s the first sweeping statement, actually, or rotational


Dr. Scott Storrie  42:18

diagonal, I think rotational diagonal, none. So some people used to teach it, you just go left, right up, down. But what I found is that doesn’t massage the eyeball itself. So by doing that nonlinear curving motion blur, yeah, what happens is you basically you massage the eye in different vectors, different directions, and also you soften the muscles.


Colby Pearce  42:38

Yeah, which is kind of like the whack method, like, more spiral movement, more on an unstable base, like a Bosu ball and more rotational


Dr. Scott Storrie  42:46

Yep, he’s got this flowy kind of component to his exercise programs. Interesting. So you get you get the proprioception from the feet, the proprioception from the eighth cranial nerve in your brain, just behind your ears, and then also, the motion in the body. What’s interesting, and this is why the rock blade is so important is that the more there’s more nerves between your skin your superficial and deep fascia and the underlying tissue, then there is like in your joints and and other parts of your body. They used to think it was joints and muscle nerves, Golgi tendon organs and fancy names like that, right? I mean, core puzzles, right? But basically, it comes down to, you want to have fluid fascia, you want your skin to be able to move in, in those nonlinear movements. Your brain also has to fire in a way that it normally doesn’t when you just do two dimensional, like flexion extension, lateral flexion rotation. Yeah. But when you combine all three planes, you get a much better response. Yeah. Cool. Very cool. So, you know, I assessed the tonicity of the body that has the diaphragm working, because it’s so important to get that maximum, you know, vital capacity. So what I do is I have the person take a breath in mostly new patients, especially they go, you know, and what they’re doing is they’re breathing with their upper lungs, but nothing comes to the diaphragm into the belly.


Colby Pearce  43:54

So the chest expands in the collarbones. Yeah, pull up, I’ll use their scalenes. Exactly.


Dr. Scott Storrie  43:59

lift the chest. Yeah, and the levator scapula, and those are the people that come in with chronic neck pain. Because imagine if 12 times every hour, you’re every minute, you’re raising your shoulders up with your neck muscles, they get tired. It’s like sitting around and doing barbell curls all day long with like, you know, 10 pound weights. And pretty soon your arms are going to be really big in the front, they’re going to be smoked, and yeah, you’re going to be having a lot of pain.


Colby Pearce  44:21

So we breed about 25,000 times a day,



right? Yeah,


Colby Pearce  44:24

yeah, a lot of reps, a lot of reps.


Dr. Scott Storrie  44:28

And so basically, I’ll go in and release the diaphragm with a visceral manipulation technique where I move the liver and the stomach and you can see, try to get all the organs to glide over each other and then the person takes a breath in and all their lower ribs. They extend anteriorly but they also go laterally and post years they get that full deep breath in, oxygen level goes up. But the important thing with deep breathing is also in massages, all the organs. Yes, all your organs are stuck together like two pieces of glass with some water in between. And they’re designed to glide over each other. That’s why the three planar motion is so important. You You want to get all of the rotation flexion extension lateral flexion happening, because organ function can improve 1020 50% with a visceral manipulation and then deep breathing, and then also Yeah,


Colby Pearce  45:10

just by letting them move and glide over each other. Yeah, yeah, cycling also is a sport that doesn’t really inherently have a lot of that happening. I mean, if you’re, if you’re breathing diagrammatically and deeply on the bike, that will help that. But there’s not the end, there’s some rotation happening when you’re standing out of the saddle and you’re pulling on the bars, that’s a pull pattern, particularly since you’re lunging at the same time. If you have really good form on the bike, you’re probably moving the organs less. So then that speaks to that need, again, to have an off the bike movement. Yep, program that complements that cycling and offsets those compensation patterns.


Dr. Scott Storrie  45:44

That’s very correct. And then we will basically precast the spine, just to stimulate that vertebral movement, move the ribs, so that everybody has a chance to have a new relationship with themselves and their body. So basically, people just walk out and they, you feel like you’re supposed to feel we’re all designed to be functional and strong and fluid. But how we grow up how we’re brought into the world, how we learn to, to ride bikes and exercise. We didn’t get the manual on efficient movement. I mean, I didn’t take all Delta classes and do my official stretching in kindergarten or first grade. It wasn’t important when I played football and wrestling, you know, basically, it was your old school, you know, maybe a little bit of stretching, get right to it, you know, do a little warm up. And that was it.


Colby Pearce  46:25

Yeah, you know,


Colby Pearce  46:27

on that, like, briefly on that topic like her we used to get a VCR in the 80s or whatever, like a Walkman. What did you do you you packed your new fancy sparkly electronic device from the packaging, and then you read the manual? Because that was before the internet. And now the definition of a good electronic devices, you don’t need a manual, the user interface is sufficient to where just watch it, you basically just start pushing stuff. Yeah, impatiently. Yeah. And then some sort of pop up window appears or it’s really obvious from the buttons or some sort of user wizard helps and appears and helps walk you through how to set up your, your nest or whatever. Internet of crap you just bought and installed in your house, to oversimplify to overcomplicate something like a thermostat. But we didn’t get a user’s a user’s manual with our body when we were born.


Dr. Scott Storrie  47:15

So it didn’t come with the dietary instructions, right? sleep pattern posture, you know, I mean, back in the day, the only athletic shoes we had were Converse, and that was considered the good shoe. And so you’re supposed to run and converse. No, no, it’s


Colby Pearce  47:29

the the irony being compared to Hocus and some of the other shoes out there. They’re a complete train wreck. Now, Converse actually aren’t bad. You can do a lot worse. Yeah, but yes, true. Right. It’s not an athletic shoe. It’s a fashion shoe. Yeah, it just happened to be zero drop. Yeah, and kind of pliable, and didn’t have too much heel support, and our support and six inches of foam and all that other crap, right?


Dr. Scott Storrie  47:50

But anyway, please continue, I jumped in, okay, that’s fine. So then we do muscle testing to see you know, which vertebra out and then just go through and I do treat everybody’s digestive tract when they’re laying supine on the table. And the reason is, is that stress shows up as tension in the whole digestive tract ruled by your vagus nerve, your 10th cranial nerve, except for the last part of the large intestine, which is ruled by the pelvic Plexi. What happens is when you’re stressed out all the blood leaves the viscera, and it goes out your extremities and your brain and you go into a catabolic process that raises your glucose level. And the problem with that is you’re going to become hyperglycaemic, also known as diabetic, and you’re going to stimulate that the deposition of adipose basically, you’re gonna become overweight, like two thirds of Americans new become obese, which contains one third of those Americans. And a lot of it deals with diet, but also stress. And so if you’re chronically stressed, and you’re eating too many carbs, you’re basically just going to pack on the fat and your blood sugar is going to go up. And you’d be surprised how many people when they do their bloodwork, their protein level is low, and their glucose is high. And what that does is it says, basically, you’re undergoing gluconeogenesis, you’re taking that delicious, grass fed organic stick that you ate, and you’re turning it into sugar, rather than healing your connective tissue from exercise, which is an unfortunate


Colby Pearce  49:06

outcome of that amazing grass fed steak you just ate but also a testament to what the body can do the fuel you give it if you aren’t looking after yourself and maintaining healthy level, healthy baseline health levels. That was a poorly worded sentence. But I think you got what I was saying. Yes. So.


Dr. Scott Storrie  49:23

So when I work on the stomach, and I work on small intestine and the large intestine, what happens is if somebody’s eating gluten, and they’re under stress, you’re irritating the intestinal lining from the inside, but you’re also causing a spasm in the smooth muscle. And it’s got a whole different feel to it, once you go through and improve the elasticity of the stomach so they can make more hydrochloric acid and they can churn that food with the acid and break it down and then it moves into the small intestine and the small intestine starts to churn and metabolize it and then you start to absorb some fluid and some you know amino acids and some fats and it’s how the whole system works. And then you get to large intestine it’s basically just absorb some water, and some trace minerals. Yeah. And then it just leaves the way that it came in, but in more refined, right adjusted portion. Right, right. But yeah, so everybody has some digestive stuff. And then we’ll do some proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, that when you’re stretching a muscle, you push one direction for five seconds, gently, and then you go the other direction for five seconds. And so I can take somebody who’s got really tight, hip rotators. And I’ll put them in a certain position, and I haven’t pushed one way for five seconds. And then when they pull the other way, the brain shuts off the proprioception on the other side, so the range of motion increases with just a little bit of effort. So we’re retraining the brain, that the body can be more supple and flexible, because when I go to stretch out, my body is limited by my facial connections. But so much of that is my brain’s influence on my nervous system. So when I first started, I could barely touch, you know, my ankle. But if I do the contracting of the front, and then the contracting and the long gating the back within three or four rounds on palming the floor, yep. It’s not physiologic possible to change your body that quickly unless you’re changing the brain, right, and you’re getting the muscles to contract and relax and work together.


Colby Pearce  51:07

Right. Right. Right. So yeah, to be clear, on that point, a lot of people understand the federal system is simply this sort of this network of kind of rope or stringy stuff that goes between the organs between the muscles through parts of the muscles, and connects everything, but it’s also a system of communication, it’s part of the nervous system. So when you’re influencing the cranial nerves, when you’re when you’re relaxing the mind and telling the body it’s okay to move in a certain plane that has an impact directly on the facial system. So you can influence those adhesions to some degree, yes, but there’s also probably limit you limited amount of that you can do if somebody’s really locked up and really he used in a particular part of their body, you’re going to have to break apart those adhesions with physical manipulation. Correct? Correct. Yeah, so


Dr. Scott Storrie  51:53

some of both, that’s why we want to open up the fascia, we want to stimulate the brain, so the body has maximum resources, and then go in and we do the stretching towards the end. So the body has been primed. The organs are fluid and supple. Since fascia covers everything, it covers every nerve, blood vessel, lymph vessel, muscle fiber, you know, joint, it’s what gives you form and function. So yeah,


Colby Pearce  52:17

and muscles would literally hang off our bones from the tendons and ligaments if we didn’t have fascia enveloping them, right? Because muscles at rest are like very, like squishy. And


Dr. Scott Storrie  52:26

that lie. That’s how they’re supposed to be. Right? That’s how mine are. But I think probably what I see is in cyclists, thighs, and in people who lift weights a lot, they actually developed this fiber prosity in the muscle, where if if I push, if I relaxed my arm, I can actually get all the way down through my bicep and tricep, I can feel my humerus, and I can feel the muscle easily move over the bone. Yeah, but in the people who are really tight, and they’ve got that scar tissue that’s built up from their movement pattern, that basically you can barely press into the muscle, but you can’t get down to the bone. So that’s why with the rock blade, and the soft tissue work that I’m kind of creating and doing, I can actually take a quad just above the patella that is rock hard from either running or cycling. And within a couple three sessions, we can actually start to break up the adhesions. And so you can start to feel the four quad muscles move independent of each other. They’re not glued together.


Colby Pearce  53:17

But isn’t some of that also subject to the phenotype of the athlete, right? I mean, there there are, people have a higher resting muscle tone, because of their hormonal structure and their and their muscle fiber type. true or


Dr. Scott Storrie  53:29

not. We’re going to get to that in a little bit. But basically, it has to do with cortisol and testosterone, right. And so when you train too hard, your testosterone drops and your cortisol goes up. So you’re going to make more scar tissue and you can’t heal. When you do an exercise where the testosterone goes up and the cortisol goes down, you’re going to rebuild, you’re going to repair and there won’t be as many adhesions, and basically, yeah, you’ll normalize your glucose level and you’ll shift your body to that parasympathetic state where it can regenerate new tissue and heal itself.


Colby Pearce  53:59

So but if we had, let’s say, we had two hypothetically identically sized athletes, you know, same, same body mass, same height, same amount of fat, adipose tissue, and we had one who was dominantly, slow twitch, a woman’s only fast twitch, and we gave them both similar exercise programs and similar restaurant cover programs. So they were both doing all the proper things to lower court lowering lower cortisol or have proper cortisol rhythm. Yeah, cortisol should rise and set with the sun, right? Yeah. So it means at night, your cortisol levels going down, it’s not still jacked up because you rode your bike seven hours and then watch Game of Thrones while you’re eating dinner at the speed of light and stayed up to one in the morning. To give you a worst case example. So we have these two, these two athletes and they’re doing everything right, but one’s very fast twitch, and one’s very slow twitch would, would the fast twitch athlete, in that case, have a higher resting muscle tone, or would you say since they’re both doing all the proper things, all the breathing and all the, the parasympathetic activities that we would find a similar ability to push that muscle separate those quads Then pushed down to the femur and feel that loose muscle tension. So I would take those two individuals and give them different workout programs and a different story, right?


Dr. Scott Storrie  55:07

Yes. And then they could probably meet in the middle somewhere, okay. But also there’s different body types. There’s your pituitary body type, that’s your basic like, you know, NFL, you know, six, eight. And then also what happens is, you get a thyroid body type, that’s your tall, wispy, like model type.


Colby Pearce  55:23

So, more ectomorphic more,


Dr. Scott Storrie  55:25

yeah, more ectomorphic not as muscular. What remind me Sorry, vada would be the football. In hitter with a with a more morphic tall or skinny, which we see a lot of cyclists with that body type. Not all of them. But But the problem with that body type is, is that you look really good. And people can push themselves harder, but they don’t have the reserves. So when their bodies break down, their journey back to wellness is much longer of all the four body types.


Colby Pearce  55:51

Wait, you don’t think that one of the goals of exercise should be aesthetic, beauty and ripped muscles?


Dr. Scott Storrie  55:57

Well, you know, I think that the interviewee should come forth with the smile on the face relaxing while enjoying the exercise. And that, you know, I think our culture’s too hung up on body fat percentage, I want you to be feeling good, because they they don’t have the reserves, but they look really good in the thyroid controls metabolism. So kind of keeps you going a little bit. But then when the bank account is dry, and the credit card bills come due, they have no resources, they have no reserves. So the next one is adrenal. So I’m more of an adrenal body type. Not as tall, but stocky, so I can put muscle on real quick, but I tend to carry it under stress a little more body fat. And then you have your go No, go nanobody type. That’s your Dolly Parton in your Danny


Colby Pearce  56:40

DeVito do. Thank you. Yes,


Dr. Scott Storrie  56:41

yeah, so they’re more natural type. So they’re more curvy and round. Uh huh. And so you’re not going to take a Go Natural type and make them look like a thyroid body type. So I think our body image is askew. So I tell people, man, don’t even really have to stand on the scale. Do your workout, live your life, eat good sleep? Yes. Be around the ones you love, have a quality life. And what you weigh is what you weigh. And if you break yourself on an ongoing basis, that negative thinking messes with your nervous system and messes with your endocrine system. And also, it’s just that you’re not going to get your quality of life that you know, really the Jawad Aviv that we’re all looking for. It’s not down that path.


Colby Pearce  57:17

I have this conversation with a lot of athletes this in the last year, it’s been a theme. But you know, cycling in particular, especially performance racers are so focused on watts per kilogram, and how much power can you make versus how much you weigh? And the idea is that the more watts and the less weight, the faster you go uphill? Well, yeah, and in a very 50,000 foot view, that’s true. But of course, weight is far more than just overall weight. It’s about body composition. I mean, you can be you know, skinny, get fat, meaning you can have poor muscle tone and be totally smokers, your hormones are trashed, because you’re not eating enough, you’re chronically starving yourself, or you’re eating poor food, not having enough healthy fats, not enough good quality proteins, just slamming a bunch of refined carbohydrates in you and then you’re training like maniacs, you’re just frying your adrenals your cortisol levels are floating through the sky all 24 hours a day. And you’re gonna have nothing left You’re like a puff of dust. So, but you look air quotes, great, because you’re super lean, and you’re ripped and you’re shredded. And we can see all the veins popping out of you because you’re at that doesn’t mean you’re healthy. But this is the discerning eye has to look at an athlete and say, Are you are you really healthy from within? Or are you superficially healthy, your action, Greg’s your hormones are depleted, etc. And you’re just running grinding yourself into oblivion. There’s a big difference there. I think that’s, unfortunately, it’s a theme in our sport. And I guess that’s part of why I do what I do, because I like to educate people about the nuance and the discernment of what true health is right? Yes, yeah, exactly. Yeah. And that’s why I so appreciate your guidance. I just have to say, Scott, that in some of my previous podcasts, I’ve mentioned that I don’t I haven’t had a lot of mentors in my life in my racing career, and when I say that, I typically meant it in more of a, you know, standing by the side of the velodrome while I do track workouts and telling me what I’ve done right and wrong. Or, and I’ve had some coaches, but I haven’t had a consistent coaching, you know, long term sense of guides of my career and those types of things. But you have definitely played the role of a mentor in my life in terms of guiding me in my Holistic Health journey. And I just want to take a moment to say thank you very much. I’m really grateful for your presence and your love.


Dr. Scott Storrie  59:22

I’m honored Thank you. This This is why I do what I do is that basically, you are given an opportunity to continually refine and improve your effort and get a better return on your investment. Yes, and not just try to pound through the books and do what you were taught you actually make it work for you. And being highly motivated as competitive cyclist is like you, you want that little every little tweak that you can do diet, lifestyle, supplements, sleep pattern, etc. so that your body can function optimally and recover faster. Yeah, stay healthy.


Colby Pearce  59:58

It’s such a fascinating wormhole in our sport, though. Because I think I think a lot of athletes are exactly on board with that line of thought they want to the term that gets thrown around in our sport a lot is marginal gains, right? They want to dig on all those marginal gains. The part where things I think are slightly misguided frequently is that people are looking for marginal gains in things like their equipment. So they they’re concerned about whether the derailleur pulleys weigh 12 grams each, or 10 grams each, or whether they should have a specially coated chain or ceramic bearings and every item, they’re concerned about every gram of aerodynamic drag in their wheel set. Yeah. And those are all places where you can make marginal gains. But my lesson as a coach that I kind of continually recycle to my athletes is Look, if you before we get to marginal gains, let’s look at I don’t know, what’s the opposite term for marginal gains and thought about this big basic gains fundamental gains, right, yeah. foundational gains nowadays. Yeah. And if you’re going to bed at 12:30am, every morning and your chronotype, or every morning, and every crona, your chronotype is such that like most people’s is more towards the 10 1030, maybe even earlier, depending on who you are, you’re missing the first two to three hours of regenerative sleep that is absolutely crucial. That will far outweigh any drill or pulley ceramic bearing skinsuit you’re gonna buy by a factor of I don’t know what, name your big number here. So it’s about refocusing the athlete to look more holistically and globally at their life choices and help to maximize their dream goal and passion, which is for now being on late, right?


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:01:32

Well, you bring up that sleep pattern, this is really interesting, because I go to sleep about eight and wake up around four. And I’m automatically just wake up and ready to go and greet my day. Whereas there are other people who go to sleep around 11 or 12, which would kill me. But for them, they still wake up rested in the morning. And so in Chinese medicine is very much related to this kadian rhythm is that nine to three is the most important time to sleep. Because that’s when the key is going internal, as it relates your circadian rhythm. It’s getting dark. And so it’s kind of like wake and sleep with the light dark cycle. And so Friday, so yeah,


Colby Pearce  1:02:06

yeah. But how do you feel sleep chronotype plays into that,


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:02:09

you know, I think somebody they were either grew up in the womb that way, or, you know, it’s just their, their nature of their personality that did a little more mentally active, and it takes a little longer to wind down. Whereas it me I hit eight o’clock. I’m like, it’s been a full, rich, lovely day. And I just need to go to sleep right now. Yeah,


Colby Pearce  1:02:27

and what about those of us who probably are gravitated more towards the 10 1030 side, but we happen to be married to those night dwellers.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:02:36

I would say I would go to bed early and let the other person dwell in the night. So that you honor your circadian rhythm and your mate honors there’s and that way, you’re both honoring each other’s cycle. And then that way for you endocrinal from an adequate logical point of view, it’s that’s important just to kind of find your rhythm, and I just happen to be married to the same lovely one for 38 years. And basically, we both sleep and wake at same time. And my dogs have even they know the cycle and they’ve adjusted Yeah, they know when it’s 4am. And it’s kinda like, if I’m still laying there, they’ll come over like knows my hand and go, Hey, come on down. Yeah, let me out. Let me go out. So the whole family’s on


Colby Pearce  1:03:16

auto, our Shiva, he knew his nine, he’s mostly probably 98%. blind. And I’m sure he still has a sense of day and night. But not always. There are times when he wakes up in the middle of night and just thinks it’s time to get up.





Colby Pearce  1:03:28

that’s one of our little life challenges we can deal with. So yes, I’m like, I don’t have cats. Cats disrupt the sleep pattern of any of my patients, they cats can do that. Yeah, sometimes at 1230 else, and they wake up and start beeps banging around the house. And that’s always interesting.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:03:45

And then that disrupts your rem Time. So right, yeah. So if if you get your eight, my goal is seven to nine half hours asleep. So in summertime, when it’s the summer solstice, the days are so short, I can get by with seven, seven and a half. But as we’re cruising into the darker time, my body likes nine hours of like rest and rejuvenation, more cave and more winter restorative to deal with cold weather. And in the glial cells in the brain, they actually that’s what cleanses the brain, they need the eight or nine hours of sleep to basically refreshing the brain. Yes. And if you only get six hours of sleep, you keep carrying part of your previous day stress on and it becomes cumulative. And so when you hit 40 5060 years old, you’ve ravaged your body just by the fact that the one most important thing that I tell people is that sleep is Numero Uno. If you don’t sleep, you don’t repair from exercise. Yes, you don’t sleep, you don’t repair your brain, you’re more likely to have dementia, Alzheimer’s, you know, cognitive issues, etc. So you won’t heal after surgery. You know, it’s things like that.


Colby Pearce  1:04:41

Yeah, I couldn’t agree more. I’m constantly reminding my clients like we have all these cycling and training or such gang activities. They’re doing dividing, conquering, we have to balance that with the inside which is the multiplying rejuvenating side of life choices and number one, by far asleep. That’s a piece of advice I get my athletes, especially in the week or week or two before you know their season long goal, their most important competition. This is the week to not go take the lawnmower to get fixed, you know, buy new vacuum. Don’t schedule appointments that week, if you can avoid it, try to minimize any extra color stuff and take that time that you would normally be running around doing errands or doing all the things just let the to the to do list go you’ve built for this event for months, now’s the time to just take a nap. If you have an extra 45 minutes in the afternoon or go to bed 45 minutes earlier, even if you can’t fall asleep right away, that time in bed will help make a more restorative evening have rest


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:05:37

wasn’t even say take a nap. Because after we eat our lunch, whether it’s a workday or non workday, we on workday, you’ll only get 20 or 25 minutes, we meditate. So we close our eyes is totally quiet in the house, we just breathe and we just meditate. And you would be surprised how refreshing that the afternoon is. But if I have a lot of emergencies, stress, yeah, and I don’t get my meditation, parasympathetic stimulation, my afternoon, I have to drag my carcass through the rest of the day. And I’m not as relaxed and resources I normally AM. So I really encourage people to take that little break even if it’s a 10 minute nap or something. Yeah, just let yourself just decompress.


Colby Pearce  1:06:13

Yeah, I have a quick little technique I use for that, you know, their time I haven’t. I think I must be in a pretty good cycle. Now because I’m not I’m not feeling the need to nap in the afternoon. But there are times in the afternoon where I feel I need that little refresh of energy. And what I’ll do is I’ll I’ll turn the lights off in my office lead my other people that I share my office with know that I’m going to need to not be disturbed for 15 minutes, turn the phone off, you can actually turn your phone’s off people, or you put them on airplane mode is a thing. And I’ll put my legs straight up against the wall. So put my butt all the way against the wall legs are straight up. So I’m not completely relaxed. The intent is not to nap and sleep, it’s to be relaxed with just a slight awareness to posture. In this case, keep my legs from falling over. And if I have them I’ll put on compression leggings. And then I’ll put in headphones and I’ll plug in by neural beats for about 10 or 15 minutes. And I’ll then I’ll focus on some deep slow rhythmic breath. Inhale six out hail six. And I’ll just do that. And man I wake up and it’s sometimes it feels amazing. It’s like I’ve taken an hour long nap, my brains refreshed, my body’s refreshed, I got some passive lymph drainage in there is passive massage from the the gravity, sometimes your feet are tingling by the end, because you’re just draining everything you spend 90% of your life either laying horizontal or vertical, which is just constantly working. It’s it’s, well, this could lead in our conversation about blood stagnation, if you’re open to that, but the blood just in the lymph and the fluids all drained or towards the feet. So occasionally we got to undo that cycle. Yep. And be inverted.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:07:49

When you get that drainage. Yeah. So basically, you refresh yourself and you also you refresh the fluids in your body, so your legs are fresh. So if you want to go out for a little gentle stroll, so you don’t get that double dipping of cortisol, that would be a really nice time to do it. Okay. So you asked me what are my rituals before I start yessing my patients, okay, I wake up at 4am then we make green tea. Oh, I do a body scan. So I wake up and I’m like, What is my body’s saying to me? Do I have any parts that are achy or stiff or sore, because that’ll tell me about my workout or my work day or you know, chores around the house and how my body responded to it, then, you know, make the green tea pole than that. So we always eat nuts and seeds in the morning when we wake up, because you want to break your fast, right? And so if I’ve been fasting since my previous dinner, then what happens is that I’m releasing cortisol. That’s why cortisol is this lowest at midnight because you had your dinner meal. So your your blood sugar’s nice and high, when it starts to drop while you’re sleeping. When it gets to a certain point, then the body releases cortisol to bring the the blood your blood sugar back up. Yeah. And so what happens is, is that if you’re continuing to not eat in the morning, and this gets me into intermittent fasting, which is an interesting concept, but it’s not natural or normal, is that basically if I have a snack when I wake up with my green tea, I’m going to supply my body with fat carbohydrate and protein and a lot of fiber. So what it’s going to do is going to raise my blood sugar up slowly. And that slow rising of the blood sugar is going to give me energy so when it comes time to work out in the morning, I’m fueled I’m ready to go. So we do that, and let’s see homeopathic drainage and I have a little habit that has evolved since I was ill last October’s that. I put a little bit of aloe juice in a bottom of a glass and then a little bit of organic apple juice on top of it. And I chew it and the reason I started the habit was is that when I was sick I lost 20 pounds in four days. And so I was starving to death, but my stomach wouldn’t let me eat any solid food and I’m like, Okay, what would I tell my patients because I was asked that what would Dr. storytel tell me to do? He always gives me really good advice. So he said I should have apple juice with aloe aloe the hill the lining of my stomach and apple juice for some carbohydrates. And so what happened was is I started putting weight on but it also the aloe healed my gut you So I just do a little bit of aloe because it’s alkalyn you know it, some people think it fights cancer, it’s just one of those phytonutrients foods that’s really good for you. So then with that, we the we share time, and we have some quality time. Then also i journal and I’m writing my book. And so that’s just kind of flows and I do a little bit of studying, check my emails. Then at 740 ish. We roll the carpet up, and it’s time for playing go. So we’ve been plugging the iPad to the TV and we just just kick it and so you know whether it’s 32 to 49 minutes or the workouts that we do then have to Yeah, then after that, we have our I call it this Emma Hobbit. That’s my first breakfast. So I’m starving after I’ve done my exercise and I’ve already been awake for four and a half hours. Now it’s time for second now it’s time for first breakfast first is a leftover snack for like chicken pork chop, you know, beef steak, Buffalo, some fish, whatever. And some vegetables and my cilantro pesto recipe that’s on the website. We have cilantro pesto, and so that’s first breakfast, then it’s time to take shower clean up. Then we come back for second breakfast in on workdays. The second breakfast for me is a protein powder, wholebody collagen, paleo fiber, gi revive, I put in some TMG powder, trimethyl glycine, because it’s a great methyl donor. It’s great for the liver, and thing called pretrained NRG. And that all goes in my pint sized container then for water and shake, shake, shake. And I think it’s really important when you do protein drinks or a smoothie, you have to chew it. Because when you chew, you really saliva and those enzymes actually start the digestive problem, right? But you’re also telling your stomach, hey, something’s coming down there, you might want to make some acid, right? Help me digest it. Because if you just go Gulp cocoa Yeah, you got this big blob of undigested material and no hydrochloric acid. So it kind of rots and purifies and bad things happen to good food. Yes. So I chew my drink. Right? Good. descend out, turn my lasers on, you know, get ready to treat the day. Okay, so that’s my morning.





Dr. Scott Storrie  1:11:58

Yeah. So that’s so five and a half hours. So you you start it You start off with some some nuts. You said first thing in the morning, some green tea, what I mean contrast that like, what happens if people just get up and have pancakes and coffee, tell us about the cascade of how that might influence. So for me coffee is a roasted beans rancid. And so I used to get low back pain and used to be quite the coffee kind of simmer. And what I found was is that I graduated to either Sumatra or Mexican altura because I was walking through Whole Foods. And I’m like, I need the lowest acid coffee possible because I don’t want to harm my kidneys. Because I was fine. I’m starting to get kidney pain. So I started doing that. And then what happened was, is that when I drink coffee, I start to get low back pain, and it burns my intestines. So I switched over to green tea, which has the exact same caffeine content is decaf. And so we do Chinese poor with our little Chinese tea pot that we have. And we get our tea from Chinatown. We drink like six or seven different kinds, because green tea has very vastly different flavors, but a high poly phenolic content fights cancer, it’s good for your immune system good for your brain. So the green tea is always better than the coffee because usually coffee comes with something like cream in it. So my patients who drink coffee, they do the MCT oil.


Colby Pearce  1:13:06

Yeah. And then the bulletproof style


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:13:08

will prove style. And so the green tea and then the nuts are with the fiber slowly releasing first you have to chew it really well. Okay, pancakes done, you get the butter thing going, you know, you got the syrup all on it. It’s high glycemic, no fiber. So basically, you’re going to get a quick rush of energy from the caffeine within the adrenal glands. Yes. And pancakes on top of that. And then double whammy. Yep. And then you’re going to get your gluten fix, it’s going to cause intestines to get irritated, your body’s going to think there’s a foreign body in there, and they’re going to want to kill the bacteria. And so really bad things happen. So for me, you know, with the nuts and seeds, oh, and this is on my list, but it’s further on is that Blue Mountain organics is in Virginia, and they sprout and they dehydrate at 108 degrees. The nuts. Yes. And so basically, when you sprout them, you make them more digestible. Right. And so then when you dehydrate at a low temperature, they’re not rancid. It’s still biologically alive food. And so we order all our nuts and seeds from them.


Colby Pearce  1:14:03

So I tried their Blue Mountain organics, some of their sprouted nut butters and I found that got a pretty potent bitter aftertaste to them. Have you found that how do you is that from the skin of the almonds being in there and the almond butter particular I think I got a hazelnut and an almond? Very it was I was pretty surprised to how bitter The aftertaste was


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:14:23

interesting because I have not tried any of their nut butters yet. Okay, I’ve just strictly you know, I do all different kinds of nuts in sesame seeds because I make my own camassia and so they actually sprout they’re black and white sesame seeds, the whole grains. And so I made my camassia and so I sit there and I just chew it, but it could be you know, because of the sprouting process in the shell still on there.


Colby Pearce  1:14:42

Sorry. What’s a camassia? What’s that? I don’t know what that is. Oh, Kumasi


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:14:45

Oh is to Japanese food so you never go have sushi and they’ve got the little sesame seeds on there. Okay, so what you do is in a pan I use stainless steel pan over like medium low heat. You put some of the black and the white ones in with a little Celtic sea salt or flower of the ocean. And then you just kind of talk And they’ll start to get kind of a smoky color and the white window oil, you just oil at the seed oil the seed actually comes out and so I sit there and I do it usually, I think I get one bag each black and one bag of white. And that takes probably about maybe 10 portions because you want it to evenly heat but not overheat. Yeah Then also not have to overcook it to make it all interesting that flavor but that has the biggest ci have also, we usually run out of that first so we’re going to actually order more of them, you know, sesame seeds to make the camassia because it is my most nourishing food I can eat just a little bit of that and that she is so strong. It carries me longer than the equivalent amount of like cashews, pecans, almonds, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts and pistachios. So


Colby Pearce  1:15:44

it’s just when you’re having seeds and more nuts and seeds. That’s that’s what you’re talking about. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So do you just eat it by the spoon or do you?


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:15:53

You can spoon it I just I have a little put it


Colby Pearce  1:15:55

on something or just here, put in my hand and just toss



it in my mouth and yeah,


Colby Pearce  1:15:58

Off I go a couple, like a couple little handfuls.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:16:01

Yeah, a couple little handfuls and also, you know during the day if you get hungry it’s nice little snack keeps you awake at fires you up. Yeah, yeah.


Colby Pearce  1:16:07

So it sounds kind of similar like you’ve read Born to Run they’re talking about the chia slurry that the runner the tama hora runners use when they and that’s I think it’s a similar concept like a very lasting energy source. That’s Yeah,


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:16:20

it’s gotten it’s nutrient dense and sesame season that she had they’re very high good fats in them. So that helps stabilize the blood sugar more. Yeah,


Colby Pearce  1:16:27

okay, but carnivore diet. salvino says all this stuff’s bad. phytonutrients are bad for you. Fiber is a fantasy, a fairy tale. He says, nuts and seeds. Plants want to kill us is something I’ve heard come out of Paul’s mouth. I know. It’s a big topic. That was like 12 questions and one, but I’d love to hear your thought on the carnivore diet and Paul’s.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:16:45

So when we get to the diet part. Yes. I wonder aberrated Okay.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:16:51

All right, great. The low carb diet and perfect and why they’re, they’re trendy fad diets designed to smack the body and wake it up. Because it’s been so far down the wrong path that we need a major intervention.


Colby Pearce  1:17:03

So this is someone the concept that a lot of vegetarians in my experience feel great when they’re coming from the standard American diet. I mean, you’re eating like microwave pizzas and McDonald’s and to be blunt shit food, and then you go vegetarian, you’re gonna feel amazing. You’re getting your system out.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:17:20

Yeah. So your your real life food is fiber. It’s got water in it and trace minerals and vitamins and minerals. And so you’re gonna feel great. But I tried to be a vegetarian and I tried to be vegan and health was a place I pass through. And you’re right. This was the euphoria of eating real food. And so with my frame, and now I’m about 176 pounds. I dropped down to 125 I look like a Krakow victim. And I have that sickly orange yellow color that you see a lot of vegetarians and vegans have and so Donald Yeah, but his his his comes from the Big Mac and fries and coke. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And so it’s just, it’s just important to eat real food and people when I when I look at their food intake when they come in, and we do the the whole diet plan and you know, what vegetables do eat? What fruits, what nuts, what seeds, we’re going to talk about my five favorites in my class, just like wonderful. Excited. Okay, is it part of it is people start feeling better just because they ixnay on the bad stuff. A Yeah, they bring in the good. And their body starts to respond. because like you said earlier, the body wants to be well, the body wants to be happy and wants to be vibrant, wants to be alive. Okay.



Yeah. Wonderful.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:18:29

So, my health philosophies, yes, life is an evolving experiment. It’s trial error and successes. And so if you just think about this is like training, you know, what works, what doesn’t work, you know, it changes with the seasons and the length of the day. And so this whole experience, this journey that we’re on that we call life is trial and error. And so I like to not reinvent the wheel. So I like to study with different people and take what works for me. That’s why when we get to the dye part, I’m a flexitarian. Philosophically, as relates to the body, I the body knows no systems, it knows it wants to be well. That’s why I study so many different disciplines is that my job is to listen to your body and have it look into my tool bag and say, I want this and this and this and this order. And then it goes, Oh, thank you very much, Scott. I feel or


Colby Pearce  1:19:15

Oh, let’s not try that again, Scott.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:19:17

Yes. And I appreciate I appreciate the offer, but I’ll say No, thank you. I’ve had many of those from my body. Yes. Well, the funny thing is, is and we can talk about this now because it’s coming up here in just a little while. A new patient she’s 16 years old. She was born to a mom who had Lyme disease but didn’t know it. So she got Lyme disease, and it’s really impacted her neurological development or physiologic development. So I go to work on her body, and her body literally pushes me out. Interesting, and I’m going slow and I’m taking my time and I and I asked the daughter, are you pushing me out? She goes, No, that’s my body.


Colby Pearce  1:19:53

Like when you try to if I want


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:19:55

to do what I do, if I want you to miss manipulation on her and just release her from gently There’s a certain rate of change her body inherently will tolerate. And so the mom looked at me because every other practitioner she’s seen has been too forceful, too fast, because you’ve got your agenda and your time. Yeah. And your limited time. Yeah. So what I found was, if I go slowly, with her inner body starts to just even get a little tight, I back off and come in and different angle A little bit slower. And also, when it rock played her, her body needs slow, gentle strokes. If I go too fast, she’ll start to give me muscle cramps and spasms. Uh huh. So I’ve seen it more subtly with people, but I’ve never seen it so pronounced that her body literally would did that. And her mom was so happy because her daughter is getting results in she’s gone through her entire life with not much help. Because the impact, especially in Lyme disease, is the neuro visual. So we’re such an optically oriented society, and we’re so visually dependent in the nervous system has to interpret it and respond. But if you’re a neuro visual processing is, one is windows and one is Mac, the unless you have parallels, and you can like run them both. That’s right, it doesn’t really work that way. Yeah.


Colby Pearce  1:21:12



Dr. Scott Storrie  1:21:13

So what are the implications of blood viscosity on health, and why is having thick blood undesirable? And the reason is, is and this is my first lecture that I gave back in 1885, is that basically, when the blood goes through the artery, it needs to flow easily and effortlessly. And so there’s a thing called INR in ratio. And it’s a test you can get when you get your blood done. And what they do is they’ll tell you how thick your blood is. So 1.0 is the average. So if I look at the top five reasons for death in America, a heart attack, blood clot, right, cancer, compromise, circulation is a big part of it. Mm hmm. Third one is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that used to be way down the list. But I don’t know if it’s because of smog and smoking, but lung disease actually is the number three killer. Wow, yeah. Number four, they call accidents. But several years ago, that was called medical malpractice. So Oops, wrong medication, oops, surgical complication. Oops, misdiagnosis. So the number four cause of death, they call it accidents and trauma. And number five is stroke stroke used to be number three, it’s dropped down, because the other two have moved down and up. Yeah, yeah. And so that is the medical implication of hyper coagulation. But as a person who wants to feel optimal, if your blood is thick, that means it’s going out thick, and it’s coming back thick. And what happens when you squeeze something in like a sieve, and you push harder, more fluid leaks out, so you’re going to get more lymphedema, right. And so there you are, you know, trying to go through your day, and the Bloods not getting where it wants to go. And you’re having all this fluid stagnation build up in the peripheral tissues. And so you’re setting up a whole system where your oxygen levels going to go down, your carbon dioxide level is going to go up because the cells can’t get the nourishment and they can’t release the waste products. So you’re setting up this whole inefficient system.


Colby Pearce  1:23:01

So maybe we can positive for just a second Scott, I want to make sure that my audience understands how, how the lymphatic system actually works. And how does when, if blood is hyper coagulated, so it’s too thick. So the capillary The, the arterial system eventually goes down to capillary size. So the capillaries have little holes in the side like right there permeable membrane. capillaries are the microscopic parts of the arterial system that deliver oxygen or remove co2 from muscle tissue waste products, right delivers oxygen


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:23:33

and also nutrients, right. So all the vitamins and minerals, the glucose that you need the fats, the protein that all leaks out of the capillary. And then once you get past the capillary muscle, into the muscle cells, organs, all the tissue, okay, then you have the venule. And so what happens is because the osmolality of the blood has changed, the fluid that’s around the venue, the some of the fluid actually, the used fluid comes back in so it either comes back into the venue or comes back through the lymphatic system, but 10% of the fluid goes out into the tissue and comes back through the lymphatic system. Mm hmm. Carrying waste products.


Colby Pearce  1:24:07

Yeah, carrying right yeah. So if you don’t, and what’s interesting about the lymphatic system, correct me if I’m wrong on this, my understanding is that lymphatic ducks are the lymphatic system is basically unidirectional towards the heart, which is why when we get a massage, a good massage therapist will always work from distal to proximal or meaning from the hands. If they’re massaging the arm. They work from the hands towards the shoulder, on the legs, they work from the feet towards the hips. Yeah, because you’re pushing that length. You’re doing two things during massage you’re breaking facial adhesions depending on how deep you’re going. And well it goes back to our rock blade conversation. You don’t have to go deep but and you’re moving length and so if you incense lift, ducks are unidirectional so so that’s so that’s lymph tissue and then but then once then the the limp, fluid with waste fat whisk with waste products in it accumulates in the lymph duct, right. How is it removed from there? There? No, we have to do that actively.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:25:01

So the lacteal is a sub blinding pouch. So the lymphocyte vessels actually like exit created nowhere. And they have these little valves. So every time you move, what happens is the valves open and close. And through the movement, you actually open it close, you start to bring the fluid in. And then as you progress to larger lymphatic vessels, they start to get smooth muscle valves and so you don’t get the retro flow the same when it starts to get first get picked up. There’s no valves in there. So to kind of get them fed a very small


Colby Pearce  1:25:29

level. Yeah, so Okay. But as they get bigger, there’s one directional valve. And then and you you facilitate that process through deep breathing movement, rebounding, we have basically a little trampoline tramp. Yeah, yeah, or light running and jogging would do it and kind of jostling motion, that helps Yeah,


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:25:46

well, also any exercise you do with the limp in the blood, right. And then, so everything below the diaphragm, and on the left, half of the upper body drains into the left lymphatic done, and everything on the right side drained into the right lymphatic duct, guess which breast has more breast cancer will be the left one, because the left one has to process 75% of the lymph of the whole body, the right side only does 25 All right. And so if this has to process in the fat you eat, actually, they called Kala microns, they absorb through the lymphatic system in the belly, and then they actually get pushed up in through the lymph into the subclavian Terminus.


Colby Pearce  1:26:25

So there’s a connection between so you’re saying there’s a connection in breast cancer and perhaps someone who’s living a lifestyle that doesn’t dream limp as regularly or effectively as correct as it should.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:26:34

And, you know, if you’re eating a bad diet and your guts all inflamed, all that stuff’s going to create more live stagnation. And so usually I see when people come in the left lymphatic duct is more congested than the right side. Yeah,


Colby Pearce  1:26:43

okay. Interesting. Okay,


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:26:46

cool. So, when you have your co2 level goes up and your waste products go up, you’re going to be less efficient as an athlete or as a person on the planet. But carbon dioxide always travels to the body as an acid. Because it dissociates the acid from the the carbon oxygen molecule. When the pH shifts, the pH of your body has a very narrow range, and all of our enzymes function between 7.35 7.38. So as you become acidic, and that number starts to go down, the body needs more minerals. Yeah, it takes minerals, usually from the bones. Right, exactly. Where we can get them to alkalize. Yeah, exactly. Because your body wants to have that pH of blood being a very narrow range. Die. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And so that’s why a lot of people his age, their problem with osteoporosis is not that they’re suffering from Fosamax deficiency or some drug is that they don’t exercise, they eat a very acidic diet. And again, when most new patients come in, if especially if they have health issues, the pH of their saliva is very acidic, and it reflects the pH of the extracellular fluid, which is the lymphatics. And so I can treat somebody and then they can take some mineral supplements that I have, and will shift their pH over a period of time. So then they can save their bone mass later in life.


Colby Pearce  1:27:55

So interesting. I just read an article recently with asker jukin droop, who’s a sports scientist and a dietitian, I believe, and he wrote an art about the myth of the alkaline diet. And he was saying, he pointed out that different body tissues have different pH ranges, the blood has a certain pH range, the gut, the stomach, etc, etc, depending on what their function is. And, and he did point out that the blood is has the body maintains the blood in a very narrow pH range, because the blood is your chance to move all these critical nutrients and food sources and whatnot to and from body tissues. So, but his conclusion was that the diet actually doesn’t really impact the alkalinity of the overall system are particular blood. I think it’s safe to say you disagree with that.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:28:39

I totally disagree with that. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. Because if you have to look at you know, if you eat mostly a paleo diet, which is vegetable based, vegetables are very alkaline. Most fruit is alkaline, but the


Colby Pearce  1:28:51

meter is very sick.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:28:53

Yeah. And also, it doesn’t have a lot of vitamins and minerals in it. It does have b 12. And it has some vitamins and minerals.


Colby Pearce  1:28:58

Unless you’re talking organ meats, organ meats, I was just gonna say unless you talk about organ meat, right? Yeah,


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:29:01

yeah. But you know, my wife is not an organ, meat friendly person. So when I cook my dog’s food up, she’s like, that’s not for us. And I’m like, no, that’s not


Colby Pearce  1:29:09

for us. But so this is where Saladino steps in, and not to keep forwarding the conversation at that point, but he has a new company he just started called heart and soil, and it is desiccated organs of liver spleen, that that that a whole bunch of other stuff. And for those people who don’t enjoy, I found liver to be one of the most polarizing foods I’ve ever quizzed people about either people either like yeah, or no problem, or their grandmother and mother made them eat it all the time when they were kids and cooked it in they can’t stand the smell, they’ll never touch it again in their lives. And everyone I found is on one one side of that fence or the other there seems to be no middle ground. But true or false livers one of the most if not the most nutrient dense foods we know of? Correct?


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:29:53

Correct and also it when you eat those foods is a glandular so if I want to improve the function of my heart, all these smart me right bye Right, you want to get liver enzymes and liver RNA and DNA, right?


Colby Pearce  1:30:04

Yeah. And we all want healthy functioning organs.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:30:07

Yes. Well, you know, they’re pancreatic glandulars. And that actually improves your capacity to make amylase protease and lipase enzymes but also insulin. So somebody’s pancreas is weak by eating pancreas you can actually improve the functionality of it. Okay, but sweet bread, that’s what they call in the pancreas the sweet sweet bread, okay because when something dies, the enzymes actually digest it. That’s why they call it sweet bread. Yeah, because it’s tender and it’s sweet. Hmm, interesting.


Colby Pearce  1:30:33

Yeah. But just like any meats that we consume, you’re consuming the organs. I mean, the liver is a filter is one of its many functions, right? If you’re eating commercially processed, you make big food. You and you have liver, you go to the store and buy liver, it’s gonna be crap. Right?


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:30:49

Exactly. Yeah. So you know, when we we get to the the diet part. So everything I eat is organic, free range, grass fed, pasture raised, lying caught, that’s all the protein sources that I eat. Yeah. And so those actually are all beneficial, but I won’t eat. I don’t want feedlot remorse, they’re treated so poorly. And they feed them commercial soy and corn. And that includes all the pesticides. So whenever you eat an animal, whatever it eats, it concentrates and you get more of it. So if I want a dose of GMO and pesticides, then I would need the commercial meat and


Colby Pearce  1:31:19

antibiotics. Yeah. Or otherwise known as you are what you ate, ate.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:31:23

Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So we talked the INR. What is the average most new patients when I had my machine for the FDA took it back because they didn’t want people diagnosing in the room. Were point seven 2.9. So that means really thick. And so heart attack and stroke and cancer run in my family


Colby Pearce  1:31:42

1.0 was was averages average for Americans. So that’s not great, actually, because we’re assuming that most Americans probably are running a little thick. So what’s your ideal range for a patient? So


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:31:51

I’m between 1.6 and 2.2. Okay, so my blood is very thin. And so whenever I cut myself, it’s kind of like that Saturday Night Live thing with Dan Ackroyd when he’s Julia Childs. I’ve cut myself, just like on a veranda Blitz. So basically, I really have to put pressure on. But basically, I don’t plan on going down the route that my family does. So I have no problem Raja, I have great circulation, great recovery time. And so all the things that blood does, it does really well in my body. And so I tried to get my patients to, you know, make sure they get enough great fatty acids to eat an anti inflammatory diet to keep their infections down to keep their inflammation down, to make sure they get enough minerals. Mm hmm. And, you know, and we’ll talk about this one, we’ll just jump right into the diet part is that basically, my five favorite foods are great oils. So olive oil, coconut oil, goat butter, and any oil that looks like olive oil, avocado and macadamia nut, huh? Everybody needs really good oils in the diet.


Colby Pearce  1:32:47

What about Canadian oil, otherwise known as canola oil. It’s polyunsaturated.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:32:51

And I love saying this word, it has your Arctic acid in it, which is a 17 chain, carbon fat that has a trans fatty acid in it. So it’s actually a natural trans fat that gets stuck in your cell membrane and really wreaks havoc on your ability to keep bad stuff out and like good stuff in.


Colby Pearce  1:33:08

So no fly on the oil. Now poof has


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:33:11

polyunsaturated fatty acids inflammation nightmare. So you just take your most popular ones in the grocery store soy, corn.



flour. Yeah, right? Yep.


Colby Pearce  1:33:21

Yeah. And unfortunately, most of the foods in the prepared food aisle at Whole Foods are





Dr. Scott Storrie  1:33:26

Yeah, because it’s cheap. I talked to their nutritionist about that. And she said, it’s never been proven. And I said that olive oil is obviously much better. It’s the basis for the Mediterranean diet. And that’s why they do so well with it shows now our research this and our research says basically, I want to buy it for the cheapest and make the most money on it. So


Colby Pearce  1:33:44

it’s a scale product. So they have to make compromises to some degree, unfortunately, yeah, yeah. That bums me out it. For me, that’s a microwave argument. It’s like, we have all these people are saying, oh, microwaves are so convenient, you can eat your food so much more quickly. Okay, first of all, heating food quickly is not a goal of mine. I want to heat food in the way that it’s going to respect the nature of the food and give me the most nutrition out of it. So I don’t give a crap about how fast I heat it. All I have to do is think slightly more ahead. If it’s going to take 12 minutes instead of six minutes to heat something. I’ll just put it in 12 minutes before I want to eat it instead of six. This is not rocket science. It’s just forward thinking.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:34:19

So is it really so forward thinking? Actually, that’s on my foods to never eat? And one of them is micro micro foods? Yeah,


Colby Pearce  1:34:25

yeah. Excellent. Never. So I just don’t see the art. But for me, it’s like there. There are people who debate on both sides.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:34:32

It’s mostly just


Colby Pearce  1:34:32

a convenience thing. It is a convenience thing. You’ve been taught that it was more convenient to own and purchase a microwave and it will make your life so much more, more efficient if you own it. So you you signed up, you were like I want more efficient life. I’ll pay the $600 for this extra appliance even though I already own an appliance that does the same thing. I’ll pay for a duplicate appliance. But from my perspective, like I’ve gotten in this argument with people who say, oh, but there’s a science that shows it’s okay. No, there’s experts on both sides who are credible would say who could say who could make an argument that are that microwave food is perfectly healthy and those that, that argue that it’s completely just teenagers, the protein destroys the food. For me, I don’t actually care about any of that argument. Because the fact that there are credible experts on the side who say that it will ruin my food or make food less digestible or less potent, is enough for me to say, because of the fact that I already own appliance, it does the same thing. I can apply Occam’s razor and just say, simplest explanation is the best and the one that works for me, I don’t need to own a microwave. I don’t need to examine the minutiae or sit and waste my time and energy discerning this argument. And that’s the same argument you are giving the woman at Whole Foods in the sounds but like, we already know all about comes from nature. And we it’s got a proven track record. Why are you trying like canola oil is a hybridized crop. Yeah, it was created by the nation of Canada out of rapeseed when they found that rapeseed actually killed rats and studies, they said, Well, we can’t bring this to market, we need an export, we need money. We’ve got tons of rapeseed everywhere in Canada also, conveniently acknowledging the fact that rapeseed isn’t the most marketable name for an oil in the universe. So they were like, let’s spend $70 million dollars hybridizing crops to take this acid out of rapeseed. And then it’s a new thing. So we’re going to give it a new name. How about Canadian oil, canola oil, boom, there you go. There’s your product, there’s no such thing as a canola plant, in case you didn’t know. So now we’ve canola oil, this hybridized product that is missing these acids. And it My understanding is correct. The irony is that later, they found out in human trials that that acid didn’t kill humans, so they could have so now rapeseed is a thing you could consume. Also, I’m not arguing it’s good for you, but it’s a thing that it’s not gonna kill you, at least not immediately. Anyway, it’s a long, painful inflammatory process. There you go. slow death or faster. So my point being is, why do we need to even have a debate about olive oil versus canola oil? One of my most fundamental rules is if it can’t be picked, peeled, cut, or skinned, don’t eat it. If you can’t find in a forest Don’t eat it. Well, I don’t see any canola plants in a forest. So I’ll take the olive oil thinking yeah, Simple. Simple. Okay. Sorry. So box, okay.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:37:10

Talking handout.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:37:12

So rainbow diet, colors, all colors do different things in the body. So basically, I just need the widest variety of colors. And if I do fruit, it’s always low glycemic. So I try to get people to eat berries and Kiwi. And you know, that’s pretty much it. Because I have


Colby Pearce  1:37:25

not a lot of apples. Not a lot of peaches, pears that kind of sums that we mean unless


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:37:29

unless I’m an athlete,


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:37:30

okay, because I have this little song goes fruit makes fat flour makes fat. Sugar makes fat. Wow, I don’t want to be fat. Wonderful, thank you. And so when fruit comes in farmer’s market, I’ll eat it. I’ll eat like a piece of day. It felt good. But that time of year this eating with the seasons and Chinese medicine, you’re much more active. And so then once the fruit disappears from the western slope, I quit eating normally. So one year, I kept getting a piece a day from vitamin cognition. So I’m sitting there eating this pair of November is really delicious. And he looks at me She goes, You know what that song you sing? I said, Yeah, thanks, man. Flour, mix fat. Sugar makes fat. I want to be fat that she says do you think it doesn’t apply to you? And I’m like, Oh, I was kidding. A ton. So I I took it over to my compost container. And I put the pair in there. That was the end of the fruit tiller showed up at farmer’s market. Mm hmm.


Colby Pearce  1:38:20

Yep. Isn’t loving relationship wonderful because it’s support and challenge.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:38:23

Yes, indeed. And honestly, yes. Yes. So we talked about the sprouted dehydrated in essence seeds. fermented foods are an important part of my diet. So all these something fermented once or twice a day, whether it’s kimchi sauerkraut, bushy paste, goat cheese sheep cheese, nice. Oh, nice. Oh, yeah, yeah. Did you keeper I don’t to keep for my dogs. Do


Colby Pearce  1:38:44

they Okay, for Yeah, Kalki Virgo. I


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:38:46

don’t do any cow dairy. So that’s my never eat foods. So I don’t do anything cow. I switch all my patients over there because it doesn’t have casein. So goat sheep and water buffalo. You know all their dairy products within butters and the cheeses and the yogurts and all that. Yeah. And the last one is teas, herbs and spices, you know, so I drink my green tea and I’ve got herb tea. It’s got ginger and tumeric in it. And then I spice everything in my kitchen with a wide variety of spices because they’re all they stimulate different tastebuds different olfactory nerves, but also they have different energetics. Some are warming, some are cooling. Okay, so I like Sabre spice shop. Got a lot of nice blends, but you can also try the different herbs and spices there. They fit. They’re a little sample testers. I don’t know if they’re still opening them up after COVID. But you know,


Colby Pearce  1:39:27

I’ve been there a couple of times since COVID. Yeah, they’re, they’re


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:39:29

around. Cool. Awesome. So the top three, five food Oh, so the thing with the foods that are great for everyone, the variety is the spice of life, cook and eat with the seasons. So when it shows up at farmer’s market, I start eating more raw unless it snows because when when it’s really cold my spleen gets chill, and raw food doesn’t work in my body as well. And then as we go through the summer I eat more raw more raw stir fry, you know, quick food, you know, something grilled, but then as we get into the fall, it gets cooler when it’s cheap. doesn’t show up at farmer’s market. I’ll still get it alfalfa or whatever. But I’ll only eat a salad on a warm day.


Colby Pearce  1:40:05

So you’re respecting not only the seasonality of ingredients that are available, but also the type of preparation of food that you consume. Because in Chinese medicine, the stomachs thought it was kind of a cauldron, right? Yeah. But in hot weather that cauldrons already got more heat around data, you can


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:40:18

see it actually the spleen key gets stronger. And so you can actually digest raw food. But when it gets cool outside, the spleen gets cooler, and you need warmer food. So I remember one time in January, I had an apple This is before I had my little song. Yeah. And I was 20 below zero. It was January and a bit into it. And I felt this cold,


Colby Pearce  1:40:41

like chill,


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:40:42

right? Yeah, right through my body. It took me two weeks to warm my body up. Wow, even getting back to like soups and stews because it was so cold outside and that she doesn’t respond to cold very well when it’s cold outside. And so then when you recommend we’re not only talking about the preparation type, but also that’s spicy content, some more curries more richer foods in the fall and winter, right when it’s so I do like, you know, more Persian foods more you know, Thai food, Indian food. Yeah. And so curry stews, things like that.


Colby Pearce  1:41:07

Yeah. Okay. And heavier proteins probably go along with that. Yeah, more more, maybe more fish in the summer. More more heavier meat like Buffalo and things like that are you kind of rotate your projects over to all my proteins? And so yeah,


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:41:19

because the five element theory when somebody comes in and they usually eat like, chicken and wheat, okay, so those are the two liver foods. Maybe they’re just a little angry and a little grumpy and a little frustrated. And it has to do with the fact that the body is just being overstimulated that liver is getting overstimulated making that extra facial thing possibly, you know, so maybe it wasn’t just medication. Maybe that person liked you know, some kind of fast food chicken wheat thing.


Colby Pearce  1:41:42

Yep. Yeah. Or maybe it was just there yet fixation on I just like, um, my wheat bread and my or my chicken sandwich for lunch every day or something like the chicken breast.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:41:51

Right. And so you know, pork and chicken, pork and fish are really good for the kidneys long as lambs good for the liver know, the long so we already had the chicken and turkeys also good for the lungs and buffaloes more of spleen stomach. Yeah, yeah.


Colby Pearce  1:42:08

Okay. Yeah. And you’re okay with pork, then. assuming of course, all these meats we’re assuming are the best possible quality you can get right? local farm raised antibiotic free, hormone free. Yeah. So we know that in their natural


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:42:19

state. But Clint Buckner, he runs up. Yeah, well, the Lamb company, Buckner family ranch. And so we get our beef in our chicken, no, not chicken, beef, pork or in lamb from him. And he’ll do eggs but not chickens. Yeah, he’ll do eggs and we get our food from him as well. I’ll just go out there with Yeah, $600 in cash for a couple coolers and stock up, go home, put it in the freezer. And that’s our Love it. Love that guy. And then there’s the sunrise ranch. He’s the bison guy at farmer’s market. Yeah. And so he’ll deliver to you on Saturday when he comes to town. Just email him an order and he’ll just drop it off at your house. You can go pick it up. If you live in Boulder or the Front Range area. You know, for chicken. My favorite is pine Manor. They only carry it at Lucky’s and an ideal. You know, Mary’s is pretty good. But it doesn’t have the flavor at the pine Manor. So, you know, you’ll find as you go through there’s different vendors that you like and get different supplies. But I find that I eat all different meats all the time. And I’m always rotating through my body because they have different amino acid complex. They have different nutrients. And so if you just get stuck in a rut, the body that part is going to get overstimulated with the body’s going to have these other needs that aren’t getting Yeah,


Colby Pearce  1:43:21

just revitalizes everything right now. So I read a really interesting book from a Czech practitioner colleague of mine recently, his name’s Eugene trumpkin, or you have Guinea is the printed name on his book. And it’s called the anti factory farming guide to shopping I believe. And the book is pretty quick read but really instructive and insightful. It’s really small and light. You can even keep it in your, your man purse or your your actual purse. If you go to the store and reference it use like reference, but he decodes the labels. He talks about the problem with labels and things that say even the problems in organic standards. Yeah, when people say grass fed, what do they actually mean when they say pass pasture raised for eggs for chicken? What does that mean? For the record? One of the insights he gave me quickly is that when you don’t actually want a vegetarian fed chicken, chickens don’t eat what that means is they’re feeding them soy, and corn chickens eat bugs. Yeah, chickens are scavengers. Yeah, that’s what they eat. So you want a vegetarian fed chicken is not ideal. It means they may have some room to roam, but they’re giving them feed. And unfortunately, cage free frequently means it’s still a warehouse filled with 50,000 hens and one little porch that’s 12 by 12 with a door Yeah, so it’s not always everything it’s cracked up to be. So you really should be quite discerning and the labels even one of the more alarming ones was talking about how you can get steaks that say 100% grass fed and I have to say it’s just makes me sad that humans are this duplicitous sometimes but he said the way around that is okay. All cows are grass fed for most of their lives because cows eat grass, the dot you can’t feed them corn from from birth, they’ll die. But they’re supplementing that food with corn and Soy pellets with hormones and all kinds of crap if it’s an industrial farm, but even relatively healthy farms, they’ll still supplement with pellets. But they’ll put grass fiber in the pellets. And then they can say, Oh, it’s 100% grass fed, because the cow was always eating grass. And that’s just a weaselly way to get around the fact that they’re still using the soy and corn pellets, to fatten up the cow before slaughter in the final few months of its life, which is unfortunate. So you really have to dig and have a bit of discernment. And I know this can be a bit overwhelming for some people, but the best solution honestly is go buy local, meet your farmer, shake his hand, yeah, see his environment? Ask him point blank, like, Hey, man, do you ever feed your What do you feed your animals? Do you give them antibiotics and understand to get to know them develop a relationship with them. This is how you vote with your dollars for the health of the planet to enable regenerative agriculture and support local farmers who need our support right now, but also support the health of you and your family by buying by buying the best quality product. And yes, I know not everyone is in a position to afford this. I don’t want it to become an economic discussion. But I’ll just point out that when you eat really high quality meat, you need less of it. And your body will be more sustained, your body will be more nourished. So you don’t need to fill those empty calories in to pound burgers and shit like that.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:46:15

Yeah. And also by the less expensive so when you know economic challenges, you know, when you go into chiropractic school, you don’t have a lot of money. You buy the chicken wings, you buy the chicken back, and then you make a bone broth out of the bones and use it all eat the brown meats. Yeah, right. Yeah, right. Right. Cool. And then so we got to Oh, yeah, young, five elements. So that’s, that’s the whole rainbow diet. So rainbow protein, you know, Rainbow vegetables. Yeah. And I do sometimes need to eat some rice, because my activity level is very strong. So that’s the part where I’m mostly paleo. But occasionally, I need to bring a little rice in my my diet so I can get the calories. So I can function.


Colby Pearce  1:46:52

So my daughter, Chloe, as you know, was in Japan all last summer and last fall. And one interesting fact she brought to us recently is that apparently there was a study somewhere which I have not read, she said, indicated that people who live in Asian populations, Asian cultures, they have a biome that more completely extracts the protein and the harvest from the rice than Westerners do. So when Asian people eat a lot of rice, they’re getting different things from it than we are.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:47:20

And this part is, you know, genetically, they’ve evolved as a local, you know,


Colby Pearce  1:47:25

yeah, mood for that is their local.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:47:26

Yeah. And so for them, it’s kind of like wheat. we dislike a recent development in the world. But they said maybe in 10,000 years, if it’s the good wheat, we’ll all be able to eat it. Right. Right. The ancient grain. Yeah, yeah. Our children, children, children.


Colby Pearce  1:47:39

Yeah. If they’re, if those those people exist if they’re still there.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:47:43

Yeah. And so the three to five foods never to eat. Never GMO, genetically modified organisms. The body hasn’t seen this made in a restaurant or in a laboratory somewhere. Pesticides poison for if your bug won’t eat it, I can’t eat it. Right. And so the one for the Bt corn actually, the, the the gut of the insect literally explodes. And they die. But they said in the it’s okay for humans, I swear. Yeah. And so Monsanto, which is now bear, they said that it will be digested by the our stomach acid in our small intestine. So they looked at the umbilical cord blood 92% of all kids born today have bt in their body in their developing body. That’s quite phosphate.


Colby Pearce  1:48:26

Yeah. Right. Yeah. It’s astounding when you look into the history of that chemical and how Monsanto had to basically go away because he’s getting sued to death. And now it’s barren. It’s a dark story.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:48:36

We see the the genic. They genetically modified so they can use the glass of phosphate on there. But they actually put a gene in the corn that causes the gut to explode for the for the


Colby Pearce  1:48:47

insect. Yeah,


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:48:48

yeah. I mean, and so that you, you know, humans aren’t as strong as insects, they have been around as long so I guess it would do the same thing to our belly. So that’s one thing I never used in organic is corn. Yeah. And so I really tried to avoid all the major crops, okay. And so never microwave food. Part of it is it causes failure to thrive. You can’t new baby formula, because all amino acids exist in L form and some turn to the D form. Yes. And then it causes failure to thrive, intestinal problems, immunological problems. And in I was at a seminar in Nashville. And the only place I found that had vegetables on the third day because everything was cream sauce. And you know, deep fried one was a Chili’s restaurant. Oh, so I went into Chili’s. I bless my food. I did feel a lot remorse as it relates to the chicken on my head zucchini and some other squash and carrot. And I ordered some brown rice. And so the brown rice came out and put my hand over it. And I’m like, did you nuke this? And they said, yeah, we want it to be nice and warm for you. And I said, Please take it back and take it off my check. Because it feels different. If you know what real food feels like. You can tell something that was grown well or not well or not treated well. And that’s one of the things about when you go to the supermarket, never buy brews produce because they didn’t recently search on the traumatized a cell replan, you know, just by wiggling and sleep it stock. And then after a period of time they harvested healthy celery and that traumatized stock, the traumatized one had natural pesticides in it. So if your vegetables aren’t treated well, right, they’re going to have naturally occurring pesticides because the plant has been injured.


Colby Pearce  1:50:17

Yeah, it’s bruised. Yeah. It’s


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:50:19

just like, it doesn’t want something to eat it. So it’s gonna make something not wanna eat.


Colby Pearce  1:50:23

Right. Right. Right, right.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:50:24

And over processed. You know, like you said, If God made it eat if it looks like he did in nature, that’s what you want, you know? So eat his little processed food as possible. Yes. So, first on my list is no legumes, no soy, no peanut, no chickpeas, no lentils, no beans. And the reason is, is that they have anti digestive enzymes. Phyto estrogens, which is going to get you in touch with your inner feminine and make it bloat and stagnate. It, they thicken the blood. They also cause hyper coagulation. Yeah.


Colby Pearce  1:50:56

thickening blood and hyper coagulation, not the same thing. While thinking about hyperbaric


Colby Pearce  1:51:01

they’re connected, right? Yeah, they’re Connect. Yeah.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:51:02

Okay. So they’re the same thing.


Colby Pearce  1:51:04

Okay. Yeah. So and part of that is because the highlight and content of beans


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:51:08

correct. It’s the way that the lectins get up to protein in the carbohydrate that basically, if you were a bean, what would you want to do to make so that if somebody comes along and they’re eating you for an ongoing basis, right, you want to interrupt their digestion? You want to make him impotent? Yeah, you want to make him slow fat around because of the hypothyroid. You want to give him some thick blood? And then you also want to give him a osteoporosis kill him off slowly. Yeah.


Colby Pearce  1:51:33

So this is the salvino argument. I mean, he’s saying like, animals have defense mechanisms built in, they have teeth and claws. So when you try to hunt or fast, or they run fast, try to kill a deer and run away from you. Unless you’re really good. Try to kill something with teeth and claws, you’ve got to deal with that defense mechanism. Plants are stuck in the ground. So their defense mechanism is chemical. But, and I think that’s a very simplistic way to look at things. I mean, I also think that everything’s here for a reason and and when you develop a relationship with plants and all living things, then you understand that consumption is part of life. This is my biggest problem with a vegetarian argument is people say, oh, we’re humans, we’re thinking we should be able to discern and not kill living things. Well, first of all, did you not realize that plants are alive? Like to me, you kill? Yeah, you kill a cow. You kill a plant. You’ve killed a living being whether or not it’s conscious. It’s really irrelevant to the discussion like does it have lifeforce? It does have lifeforce Of course it does. Eat it. That’s why you want to eat it that’s being alive as an act of consumption. Yeah, unless you’re a breatharian you have to consume things, other living things to stay alive. So anyway, yep. Yeah. So those are that’s your top five list.


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:52:47

So looms second. Yes. Yeah. Oh, wait,


Colby Pearce  1:52:50

I’m sorry. Can we rewind? What about what about slow cooking have been what have you put in a slow cooker for two days and you know, they cook out


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:52:57

lectins and I’ve done the whole thing. So the new thing is, you want to soak them for three days and rinse them off every 24 hours.


Colby Pearce  1:53:04

And then you put meat in there and you


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:53:08

seaweed in there, you put some acid in there, whether it’s a vinegar or whatever, some salt and your pressure cooker, right? Still joint pain, bloating, inflammation, brain fog, gastric spasm in every time, it’s the best I found so far. But I still get an inflammatory response, which means more hyper coagulation, right? bloating, weight gain. Yeah, all those bad so


Colby Pearce  1:53:29

even though you’ve probably reduced the lectin content by whatever some massive amount, it’s still it’s still in the residual enough is enough to mess up, you know, to me,



and my wife to


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:53:38

Right, right. I wouldn’t feed it to my dogs, interestingly, beans. So second is gluten, all gluten, you know, every form basically, it turns into gladder opia which is like heroin, but doesn’t flame in the lining of the intestine and the immune system sees the gladden protein and it attacks the lining of the colon with inflammatory enzymes. So that’s hormone dysregulation because you think you’re under attack, but also you get leaky gut syndrome.


Colby Pearce  1:54:02

When you consume gluten and you so you get a big old piece of toast and you slathered with cow butter on there, you get a double addictive, we’ll get the lactate lactate,


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:54:09

so you just gave me my that’s my third food is out there. All right, so it’s the perfect heroin meal. Jc opiate yes glad opiate Yes. And so then you’re going to get this heroin high and then you’re going to crash but you’ve so toasted your immune system and you’re going to be bloated, gassy, gain weight and all these other but it’s so addictive.


Colby Pearce  1:54:26

You just want more than it tastes


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:54:27

good. Yeah. Because it’s your one. Yeah, right. Yeah. Throw a little chocolate bar at the end with fo e alanine in it. You get the ultimate stimulation of your heroin receptors in your brain,


Colby Pearce  1:54:35

otherwise known also as a brownie fudge sundae, right? That’s all those things. add some sugar on top of it a lot. But that’s


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:54:41

my next one sugar. Oh, that the food to avoid is you don’t want to eat sugar because sugar it disrupts your but it has no nutrients. It’s high calorie malnutrition. But it’s usually in something else that you don’t want to eat that it contains wheat and cow dairy and some kind of dessert or candy bar or something. Right, right, right. And then artificial sweeteners and preservatives. You know, a sparkling mean, basically it opens up the nutrasweet it opens up the calcium channel in the brain, you flood calcium in which is highly managed in the brain and what the for you experiences the depth of your brain cells. Wow. I thought an acceptable trade off to me, right? So maybe if number 45 is going to have his little wheat, cow dairy, commercial beef sandwich with some french fries with toxic oil, and he’s gonna drink a diet soda and destroy more brain cells and make him moody and irritable. This is not a person I want running my country. But that’s my personal opinion doesn’t reflect anything upon Colby or his other choices or anything like that. Right.


Colby Pearce  1:55:42

Fair enough. Cool. Scott, thank you so much for taking time to come and answer all my questions and correct some of my terminology and enlighten me on your your practice, some of which I knew about and much of which I didn’t. And it’s been a true pleasure. We’ve got much more to talk about. So I think that we’re going to arrange a chapter two. It’s got


Dr. Scott Storrie  1:56:01

story 2.0 Yes.


Colby Pearce  1:56:04

And we’ll go from there. So, thank you so much. Thank you very much for having Listen up space monkeys. A few final notes and disclaimers. I’m not a doctor or lawyer. I don’t play one on the internet. So do not misconstrue any advice given on this podcast as Dr. Lee or lawyer advice.





Colby Pearce  1:56:27

during our show at times, my guests and I will express our opinions. These opinions do not necessarily represent those of Fast Talk Labs. of Chris case, Trevor Connor, Jenna Martin, or anyone else associated with Fast Talk Labs. If you want to reach out and tell me something good better otherwise, feel free to email me at cycling in alignment at Fast Talk Labs calm thanks for listening. much gratitude.