Dr. Julie Emmerman sport psychologist and endurance coach

Dr. Julie Emmerman

Dr. Julie Emmerman has an expansive background in clinical sport performance therapy. She has helped many different types of athletes and coaches, from the professional, to the Olympic level.

Dr. Emmerman has been working with athletes since her graduate internship at the University of Colorado-Boulder and in private practice since the year 2000. She also works with USA Cycling’s High-Performance Division and gives leadership consultations to team Directors at the highest level of professional cycling. Julie has a background in working with athletes and coaches in the: NHL, triathlon, MMA, track and field, ultra-running, equestrian events, and tennis industries.

Uniquely, Julie has an approach that concentrates on making a non-judgmental, inclusive, confidential space that encourages her clients to feel secure so that she can focus on their concerns and they can work together. Depending on her athlete or coaches’ learning style, she will use a blend of psychodynamic theory, interpersonal theory, cognitive behavior theory, and mindfulness psychotherapy techniques to teach her clients. She understands the stressors and pressures of being a high performing athlete, as Julie has also raced bikes on and off in the past 20 years.