Coach Gordo Byrn trail running the Grand Canyon

Gordo Byrn

In 1999, Gordo finished his first triathlon season by racing Ironman Canada. Hooked on the process, he left his desk job in 2000 to see how fast he could become. He achieved his personal best at the Ironman-distance in 2004 going 8:29 at Ironman Canada.

Along the way he studied under some of the best known names in triathlon: Joe Friel, John Hellemans, Dave Scott, Mark Allen, and Scott Molina.

As a coach, he helped novices, top amateurs, and pros achieve their goals in triathlon, ultrarunning and mountain biking.

His book, Going Long, was written with Joe Friel and applies his Training Bible approach to Ironman and long-course racing.

Gordo lives in Boulder, Colorado with his wife and three sporty kids.