The Versatile Coach

Triathlon coach Christine Schirtzinger poses with women triathletes before a triathlon race.

7 // The Versatile Coach: How to Adapt Training to the Individual Athlete

Every athlete is a study of one, presenting different limitations and strengths. The best coaches are able to identify these differences and adapt their style and strategy to meet the unique needs of every athlete.

Illustrated headshot of Jack Daniels

Modern Profiles in the Craft of Coaching: Jack Daniels

He’s coached some of the biggest names in distance running and underpinning a large amount of his success was his capability to be versatile.

performance gains from year-round training title card

Performance Gains from Year-Round Training

Coach Julie Young describes the performance improvements made when one of her athletes switched to a year-round training program.

Lessons From The Lab title card

Lessons from the Lab

The lab simplifies the path forward for the athlete, showing how the body is responding to training and taking us back to the basics.

Julie Young

What It Takes to Succeed

To achieve a top performance an athlete must be both physically and mentally prepared. It’s the mental piece that can be the toughest to coach.

Scott Saifer cycling with another athlete through fog

The Unexpected (But Highly Satisfying) Evolution of a Coaching Career

Coach Scott Saifer discusses what it takes to work with athletes who might lack ability or motivation, or both.

Black and white image of Christine Schirtzinger in a race with her athletes

How to Build a Beginner-Friendly Coaching Business

By coaching athletes of all levels and aspirations, Christine Schirtzinger has learned how to build a better business—and be a better coach.

Coach Joe LoPresto and a group of smiling triathletes in their swim gear

Athlete Ability Doesn’t Change the Coaching Process

Whether it’s the last person to cross the finish line or the ones standing on the podium, Coach Joe LoPresto believes all athletes are more alike than different.

Julie Young riding her mountain bike down a rocky trail

Which Goes Further—Talent or Motivation—and What Does This Mean for Your Coaching Style?

Every coach wants to work with athletes who possess both talent and motivation in spades. In reality, your clients are probably lacking in one or the other. Consider how your coaching style might be suited to a particular athlete type, and whether your client list reflects this.

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Coaching Different Personalities

How does an athlete’s personality affect how you write their training plans and give feedback? It can be far more varied than you might realize.

Athlete-Centric Training Plan video thumbnail

The Athlete-Centric Training Plan

Coach Dave Schell talks with Joe Friel about how he gets buy-in from athletes, and creates a dynamic, athlete-centric training plan specific to their individual needs.

Coach Ryan talking with female athlete

What Drives or Limits Performance?

As a coach, you are in the business of addressing the weaknesses that stand in the way of the athlete’s goal. Because every athlete is unique, no two plans should ever be the same.