Coaching Elite Athletes

Woman pours freshly-squeezed juice into a glass

Case Study: Higher-Carb Fueling to Improve Performance

When this pro athlete stopped restricting nutrition and fueling in favor of a higher-carbohydrate diet, she was surprised by the result.

Professional triathlete Skye Moench runs in a purple triathlon race suit during a triathlon race in a city park.

13 // Coaching Elite Athletes

As pro athletes redefine the limits of performance, coaches are continually refining their strategy and leading a collaborative effort.

Black and white still of David Roche performing hill strides

Why Hill Strides and Speed Development Are Essential for Ultras

In addition to traditional aerobic training, SWAP uses short hill strides to help athletes develop speed. Get the science behind this innovative approach to raising the ceiling on VO2max.

Black and white image of Skye Moench running in a triathlon

Nutrition Case Study with Skye Moench and Scott Tindal

Ensuring athletes are properly fueled will do better for their performance than trying to hit a number on a scale.

David and Megan Roche on a trail with their dog.

You Are Born for Coaching

The backstory of SWAP Running attests to the value of curiosity, naivety, and a good dose of grit. David and Megan Roche channeled their love for the sport into a coaching business with a reputation for winning.

Joe Friel kneels at the edge of an indoor pool to talk with an athlete in the water

Are You Ready to Step Up to Coaching Pros?

Supporting performance at the highest level will cost you time and money. Coach Joe Friel shares a balanced approach to the high-stakes game of working with pro athletes.