Fast Talk Labs - Exercise in the Heat Pathway Badge Indoor Cycling Pathway - Fast Talk Laboratories

Your Winter Guide to Indoor Cycling, with Dr. Stephen Cheung

Dr. Stephen Cheung leads a discussion on indoor cycling, including heat management, adaptive differences between indoor and outdoor workouts, and what to do with those "nice" winter days when you can sneak outdoors.

In this Live Webinar, Dr. Stephen Cheung leads a discussion on how to prepare for indoor cycling and manage heat.

Dr. Cheung is a world-renowned expert on the body’s reaction to temperature extremes—and he’s a voracious indoor cyclist.

This Webinar offers great winter cycling guidance on topics including heat management, cross-training, adaptive differences between indoor and outdoor workouts, and what to do with those “nice” winter days when you can sneak outdoors.

For more on the impacts of heat and cold on your performance, check out Fast Talk episode 111: Busting Myths About Riding in the Heat And Cold, with Dr. Stephen Cheung.

For more on how cold air can impact performance, check out these other workshops from Dr. Cheung: Why Can’t I Go As Fast When It’s Cold? and How Breathing Is Impacted When Training in the Cold.