Sports Nutrition

Eating properly for the demands of endurance sports can be challenging. Without the right fuel, performance and recovery will be compromised. Learn how to master and implement a sports nutrition strategy that works for you, whether that’s during your workouts or races.

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Sports Nutrition > Nutrition Strategies

First-person POV eating a banana on a bike ride

High Carbs for Big Adventures

For years we have been told to load up on carbs prior to an event, yet eat very little during competition. Recent research has shown that athletes can ingest more carbohydrate during training and competitions than previously thought.

Shirtless middle-aged man doing decline sit-ups

How Hormones Conspire to Store Fat 

As athletes get older, hormone levels shift, disrupting how the body manages glucose and insulin and inviting a slow creep of excess weight.

How to Estimate Serving Sizes

Sports nutritionist Ryan Kohler shares three fast, simple ways to estimate portion sizes without counting calories or using mobile apps.

Ideal Racing Weight Is a Delicate Balance

Seeking an “ideal racing weight” is a tactic many endurance athletes use to improve performance. Here’s how to find your fastest race weight—while avoid being too heavy or too light.

Bikepacker securing his gear before starting his ride

How to Maximize Recovery During Multi-Day Events

Stage races and other multi-day events offer special challenges, particularly when it comes to recovery. We explore three of the key elements to maintaining good performances day after day.

sports nutrition for beginners

Sports Nutrition for Beginners

Eating properly for the demands of endurance sports can be challenging, especially if you’re new to sport. We explore common misconceptions and pitfalls for the beginner endurance athlete.